Monday, June 25, 2018

I'm on the news - and didn't get in trouble!

Drove to Knoxville today for an audition for the movie, "Into The Wilderness", set in the civil war.
I've done better.
It was a long dang day on the road in terrible weather for about 5 minutes in front of the casting director.
But - got to see an actor buddy - John Hedgecloth (nice guy) - that I met awhile back when we were filming for National Geographic's History of Man series (or something like that - I was a viking or some such thing) - and actually meet my agent (Rachele) in person for the first time (she's a lot taller than I would've predicted) (taller than me, even in flats) - (she was in flats - I was wearing boots, with heels) + I ended up the news.
The local Fox affiliate had a news lady person on site taking some shots - barely even noticed she was there - this afternoon John sent me a screen cap.
So, maybe what I had thought was a wasted drive (and lots of work learning dialogue) turned out ok.  Ish.  Not sure.
But my grill was in the camera - so I guess it counts for something.

Link :

The 4 pages of dialogue I memorized for the 8 hours on the road.

My agents office. 

 The movie I was auditioning for.  Dang. Not my finest hour. 

But, tomorrow I'll be on set of the movie "The Mule", filming a scene in a dive bar (of course) with Clint Eastwood.  So, I got that going for me. 

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