Saturday, October 28, 2017

I haven't posted for a while.  No real reason - nothing particular going on but here are some pics from the last couple months.

Here's a screen cap from my work on Turn: Washington's Spies episode 403.  3 long, cold days on set for about a second and a half on screen.  

2 of my favorite peoples joined me back in April to see Magpie Salute at The Buckhead Theater.  MS is half the guys from the original Black Crowes line up.  Great times!

These kids!

Chad Joyce and I working the tent life on the set of Jennifer Anniston's new movie, Dumplin' - same plot as Little Miss Sunshine.   I think we can skip this one.  We were on set from 10:30 am until 1:30am and never did much of anything.   

Chad and I had just enough time to leave set and catch last call at Action Park.  John R. jumped in for a pretty stellar pic bomb.  

A screen cap from the new movie Baby Driver.  I think this is the movie Chad and I met and first worked on a couple years ago.  We spent all day in Gwinnett County prison filming for this one.

Watch the new season of The Walking Dead and you just might catch a bit more of him.  That guy's gonna blow up this year!

Follow the link here to see a bit of Chad and I in some stock footage from the National Geo. shoot last year where we played Vikings and Barbarians.