Tuesday, September 30, 2014

One of the biggest inspirations for taking my trip cross country via motorcycle was the miniseries, "Long Way Round" with actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman.
It's a fantastic adventure between two guys who seem to genuinely love and respect one another.
Outside of the wonderful tour itself, what shines most is their obvious man love, and I mean that in a very positive and hetero sorta way ,))

"Long Way Round" follows the pair from London thru Europe, Russia, and Mongolia, and on thru the U.S. via Alaska, and ends in New York City.  The last episode will really pull at your heartstrings as Ewan's dad surprises him on the last day of riding.

"Long Way Down" finds the two going thru the whole of Africa, traveling thru 18 some odd countries in just a couple of 3 months.  It's not quite as much fun to watch as the first show but still damn cool - particularly after they hit the midway point and cross into Rwanda.  This time Ewan's lovely wife shows up for a few days of riding.

Unbeknownst to me, Charley has been doing a travel series of his own for the last few years and it looks to be worth watching and I fully intend to do just that.

"By Any Means" follows Charley across the globe as attempts to reach his various destinations however he can - cars, trucks, bikes, boats, even elephants keep him moving at different parts of his journey.

He's also doing a sponsored sort of ride along with Eagle Rider Motorcycle this November that will take a large group from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas.
Check it out here:

If you can come up with the roughly $5,000 you can grab one Eagle Rider's bikes and join him for a weeklong adventure down the coast of California and on into Mexico.

Charley's website is here:  http://www.charleyboorman.com/

Ya' know, the really fun part of watching '80's rock videos is looking for the one band member that enjoys the hair spray, make up, and women's clothing a little too much.

The '80's were a weird time for rock.
Coming out of the horribleness that was '70's soft rock and disco, many rock bands started going for a heavier, more in your face sorta sound.  They also had to find a new way to shock and entertain and just generally be outrageous.  Hence the crazy outfits and the wacky hair.  But because of the competitiveness of the music world and because of that new fangled Music Television, the weirdness kept getting raised higher and higher, as did sales of Aquanet.

Here for your listening and viewing pleasure, I take you back to the early days of 1980's LA glam rock music scene for a little group known as Ratt.


Interesting side note on Ratt:  Tawny Kitaen, high school sweetheart of guitar player Robin Crosby, who'd graced the cover of the band's EP from the previous year, agreed to appear on the cover of their debut full-length album. She also appeared in their video for "Back For More" as the girl in the 1950s skirt at the jukebox.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Over the last few weeks the media has been going bonkers about a new study claiming that 97% of scientists agree on the main issues of "global climate change" (formerly known as global warming).
President/National Golfer Obama even mentioned it in a speech recently citing the consensus view that global climate change was going to lead man's extinction and the end of the world.
(Ok.  I added the last part.)
Turns out that the "scientist" that came up with the 97% number is more activist and PR for the climate change folks and his methodology and ethics have been called into question.

The short version is that he cooked the books to arrive at 97%.


"Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous."

Remember that statement, a while back, from some bloke on Twitter? What we now know with more than 97 per cent certainty that this guy - or whoever is in charge of running his Twitter account - is either wilfully dishonest or woefully ill-informed.
The "97 per cent" claim is an utter nonsense. This report released today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation explains exactly why.
First, that word "dangerous". This is a concept that was never mentioned in the study responsible for that 97 per cent claim. The paper was written by an Australian warmist activist called John Cook (and others). It drew its conclusions having allegedly reviewed 12,000 papers on climate change and found - so it claimed - that the vast majority of them supported the "consensus" on global warming.
But here the watch-the-pea-under-the-thimble game begins. The "consensus" which the Cook et al paper supports is so banal and trivial as to scarcely be worth stating, viz:
• that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas;
• that human activities have warmed the planet to some unspecified extent.
Since even the vast majority of sceptical scientists agree with this statement you might wonder why, when Cook et al released their findings they got so much attention in the global media. (And they really did. That tweet of @barackobama's helped, of course. But you only have to recall how many occasions you've heard that "97 per cent" figure cited as unquestionable "proof" of the existence of man-made global warming to appreciate how effective this propaganda exercise was; and also to realise just how ineffective the world's media generally is at subjecting such claims to any kind of rigorous analysis).
But this fudge, of course, was always part of the plan. We know this because John Cook's internet home is an alarmist propaganda website called Skeptical Science. Unfortunately for Cook, a security lapse at his site in 2012 led to the disclosure of private email exchanges between Cook and his co-conspirators.
Here's one from Cook himself, explaining the purpose of the paper:
It's essential that the public understands that there's a scientific consensus on AGW. So [Skeptical Science activists] Jim Powell, Dana [Nucitelli] and I have been working on something over the last few months that we hope will have a game changing impact on the public perception of consensus. Basically, we hope to establish that not only is there a consensus, there is a strengthening consensus."
Two things are immediately apparent from this email. 
1. Cook had decided even before he began his investigations what those investigations would reveal. 
2. This was always going to be a PR exercise, not a scientific one.
Next we find Cook digging himself still deeper by referring to a chosen methodology - its name coined by one of his associates, Ari - as the "porno approach." What he means, presumably, is that rather than allowing for rigour and nuance, his paper will be researched in such a way as to deliver the most dramatic, headline results possible. Not just tasteful nudie pix, then, but hardcore with donkeys...
Okay, so we've ruled out a definition of AGW being 'any amount of human influence' or 'more than 50 percent human influence.' We're basically going with Ari's porno approach (I probably should stop calling it that) which is AGW = 'humans are causing global warming'. e.g. - no specific quantification which is the only way we can do it considering the breadth of papers we're surveying.
Under these criteria even an otherwise arch-sceptical paper conceding that, say, the methane from the farts of beef and dairy cattle might have a marginal influence on climate, could be claimed by Cook et al as being in support of the "consensus."
As Andrew Montford's GWPF report goes on to reveal, this is more or less what happened. He cites two  examples of scientists who had written highly sceptical papers which - much to their mortification and irritation - they discovered had been graded by Cook and his team as endorsing the "consensus."
"It is not an accurate representation [of my work]" wrote one, Nir Shaviv.
Statistically and scientifically, as Montford goes on to detail, Cook et al's survey was a dog's breakfast. ("This is garbage, and a crisis," wrote one critic, all the more damningly because he self-describes as a believer in man-made global warming, "It needs to stop, and [such] papers need to be retracted immediately, especially Cook, et al (2013)")
Elsewhere in the report, Montford finds space to chronicle dodgy goings-on at the University of Queensland, where Cook is the Climate Communication Fellow for the Global Change Institute. Rather than 'fess up to the scandal, the University responded with blustering threats and a press release containing a pack of lies.
But for me the most interesting part of Montford's report is the light it sheds on the modus operandi of the wider climate change alarmist establishment, from the Guardianjournalists who disseminate this naked propaganda to the politicians, from Barack Obama to UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Davey, who use it to justify their dubious policies.
Here is Davey, talking last year on the BBC's Daily Politics Show, to Andrew Neil:
We've had a complete unchallenged view of the climate change deniers. I think we need to have rather more balance in the debate, particularly when we saw a recent analysis of 12,000 scientific papers...and of the scientists who expressed a view - these were climate change papers - of the scientists who expressed a view 97 per cent said that climate change was happening and that it was human-made activity.
Most neutral observers on hearing such a claim would, I imagine, find it highly persuasive. "12,000 scientific papers? Sounds a lot! 97 per cent? Wow!" And while they might find Davey a fairly slippery character, they would have no real reason to question the analysis he is citing. As a senior government minister heading a department full of experts in the field he must surely know what he's talking about. Right?
So this is where we're at in the climate wars. (And where, indeed, we have unfortunately been at for a very long time). You can be the biggest, most risible assclown in the history of junk statistics and pseudoscience but so long as you can somehow cobble together a half-way plausible paper, no matter how inept your methodology, which helps prop up the vast man-made global warming industry then you have it made: the President of the USA will Tweet you; your University will back you to the hilt; your colleagues will rally round you; you will get a very favourable write-up in the Guardian (and myriad other alarmist publications); your critics will be sidelined and ignored.
But wait. It seems that Cook and his friends have now produced a response to these criticisms almost as devastatingly convincing as that original report. Over a period of 97 Hours Of Consensus, his website will be showing cartoon caricatures of climate scientists from around the world, each with little speech bubbles coming out of their cartoon mouths explaining exactly why global warming is more real and dangerous than ever before.
For further updates don't watch this space because I'm afraid, cynic that I am, I find this all a bit desperate, childish and silly. Instead, why not check out @barackobama's Twitter feed? I'm sure he'll be reporting on this exciting development in our understanding of the climate change phenomenon any second now.....

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

This unvarnished bigotry will not stand, Sir!
Across this line, you do not cross(eth)!!!

In a blatant display of racism, bigotry, poor taste Krispy Kreme - purveyors of late night snacks and early morning tidbits - have turned to name calling and mockery to sell their wares.

How dare you, I say!
How.  Dare.  You.

Yesterday Apple used this image to sell their goods:

Today it's this:

And to further fuel their mockery Krispy Kreme added this "black face-esque" insultery:


Talk Like a Pirate day is just around the corner on September 19th, and Krispy Kreme is celebrating by giving you a doughnut. If you talk like a pirate, then you get a doughnut. 
If you dress like one too, then the bounty becomes a dozen doughnuts, but approved attire must include three items from the list below:

Eye Patch
Pirate Hat
Peg Leg
Parrot on Shoulder
Pirate Shirt / Loose white shirt
Leather Belt
Silver and gold necklaces and earrings
Pirate Hook
Pointy black boots or ragged brown sandals


What's your next ad campaign going to look like, Mr. Krispy Kreme Man ?  Oh, here's an idea:

"Puts on ya'lls black face and we'suns gonna give you a free Chocolate Kreme!"

Or how about this Krispy Kreme Man:

"Hey Vatos!  Come get a free Churro or somethin, man!!!

Just when you think that the world has moved beyond these petty stereotypes someone or something comes along to remind you that we're all just as bass-akwards as we've always been.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Apple was kind enough to "cartoonize" me.  Love that the bird has an eyepatch too !

Friday, September 12, 2014

Evel Knievel nearly burnt down my house!

True Story!!!
Hand to God.

That really almost happened.

I was watching, "I am Evel Knievel", the documentary movie about stuntman and legendary bad/jackass Evel Knievel on Thursday night and I was reminded of that time that he set my childhood home alight.

If you missed the show shame on you; it was great.

Those of you who remember life without cable TV are probably old enough to remember Evel's historic daredeviling.  In that special time of the early '70's when, still reeling from the losses of the Vietnam War and recovering from the turbulent civil chaos of the late 60's, America wanted and needed a hero.
A man for and of the common man but a patently American man.   Rugged.  Forthright. Handsome and flawed.  Like you and me only a lot less inclined to take anyone's B.S.
A guy that could drink and woo the ladies and fix a car or settle somebodies s@#t if they got outta line but do it with a little smile on the edge of their lip like they were just being sarcastic a bit because they've seen all this before and "they ain't really worried none."

It was in that special time and space that men like Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, and Evel Knievel made their mark.  Men who talked little but acted quickly.  Men who could tell you everything you need to know (right now) with a single, sharp glance or glare as the situation would call for.

For me it was Evel Knievel right from the start.
He had those cool leather biker suits and those loud as hell Harleys and all the bravado in the world.
Evel was a great showman and endless self promoter who knew how to keep the audience's attention thru years of doing small shows on the local dirt track circuits out in Montana.
Throughout the early to mid-70's Evel's stunts got bigger and bigger and more and more dangerous.
He jumped the fountain at Caesar's Palace and nearly killed himself at Snake River Canyon and again at Wembley Stadium trying to jump 15 buses.  In the documentary he says he knew he couldn't make that jump over the buses because he didn't have the correct gear setup on his bike but he refused to back down and went ahead anyway.

He was so popular when I was a little kid that he had his own best selling toys.

And that's how the house nearly burnt down.

One year for Christmas I got:
The Official Evel Knievel Action Figure with Daredevil Motorcycle

and The Official Evel Knievel Scramble Van (with accessories)

That was a good year!
I played with those things all the time.
Evel jumped over the kitchen table and the coffee table and the dog and the cat and just about everything else in or outside of the house.
For several months my life was one big screamin, slidin', poppin' a wheelin', stuntmanin', nonstop adventure.
Good God I loved that little toy.  We had a grand time riding around together.

But then came that fateful day when "The Source of the Trouble" was out of the house and Evel tried to jump "The Flames of Doom".

Ya' see, after a few months of stunt-manning our way up and down Ave J, Evel and I needed a new challenge.  The crowd, i.e. me, needed something more thrilling, more daring, and way more riskiery!

What's a guy to do?
You gotta please your loyal fans.
So Evel and I decided to jump over fire.

Everyone knows that fire makes just about everything 58% better.
It's just good science.
So off Evel and I went to dig up one of momma's scented votive candles to liven up the show.
We put the candle on the roof of the Scramble Van, did our Hail Mary's, cranked up the Harley, and got ready to put on the most spectacular jump of our lives!

And WHAT a jump it was!!!
Damn you should've seen it!
Me and Evel sighted ourselves down a straight path from underneath the bedroom window to a few feet from the closet where the van was parked with "The Flames of Doom" burning brightly atop.
We did one trip around the room just to loosen up then we hit the throttle and with that front tire pointed at heaven off we went.
We hit the ramp right on target and our speed carried us up and over the rear of the van.
It was beautiful.
But we must've failed to accurately calculate the crosswinds because the rear tire dipped and just when you thought we would barely make it, the rear end caught the candle and tipped it over catching Evel's cape in the process.  The cape erupted into flames burning my hand and scaring the bejeezus outta me.  I threw the now fiery bike down but the forward momentum carried it into the closet where it continued to smolder.  Meanwhile the hot wax melted the roof of the Scramble Van dumping the candle inside where it immediately burst into a ball of burning plastic.
Thick, black, putrid smoke filled the room in an instant and the young "pinche'r" panicked.

Never before had one of our stunts gone so horribly wrong.
We were unprepared for this possibility.
Of course, professional medical teams were always on standby for any of our jumps - we were stuntmen and we accepted that things occasionally went wrong - but something this catastrophic had never entered our collective realm of imagination.
It was awe inspiring and terrifying at once.

So I ran to the nearest water source:  the hall bathroom.  And I grabbed the first cup I saw: the Dixie Cups that hung on the wall by the sink.  And I filled it and ran fast as I could back to the conflagration and threw the water on it.
Nothing happened.
Because Dixie Cups held about an inch or so of water at best and I spilled most of it running back.
So I ran again.
And filled the cup again and threw it on the fire again.
The fire sizzled and laughed and grew larger and hotter.
And off I went to get more water, growing more and more frantic as the fire continued to grow in the back bedroom.
My older brother finally noticed a slight whiff of smoke.  That coupled with me running in and out of the hall bathroom got him interested enough to come see what the heck was going on.
Oh boy, did he yell when he saw that damn fire!
But he was calm enough to get the big pitcher out of the kitchen and douse the fire once and for all.
His yelling got "El Deucey's" attention and he came in and stomped out the fire just starting in the closet.
And there they stood, staring at their little brother and his melted toys for what seemed like forever.

Finally, "Deucey" said, "Mom is going to kill you", and walked out.

The other brother couldn't help but ridicule my choice in firefighting apparatus.

"Usin' a f@#ing Dixie Cup!?!  Are you f@#ing kiddin' ME!?!  What the hell is wrong with you!?!
A friggin' Dixie Cup?  JeeZUS!!!"  and walked out laugin'.
That was nearly 40 years ago and he still laughs about it every time he tells it.

Usually,, just after the story about how he put me in the dryer and turned it on.

I think "The Source" did nearly kill me that day.
It was long time before,
A.)  the smell of burnt plastic went away.
B.)  I could sit down without wincing.

And if you pull up the carpet in the back bedroom of the old house on Ave J, there on the tile, you can still see the black ring where my daredevil career with Evel came to an abrupt ending in a puff of black smoke.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Source of the Trouble plays 20 questions!

"The Source of the Trouble", aka mom, has been a travel agent for years and years.
It's been a great to have her as a resource when I travel.  She's helped me many, many times over the past 10 + years whether getting last minute flight deals or finding a decent place to stay for business travel.  Without her help on my recent trip to Marfa, TX the guys and I would have been driving 45 minutes every morning to get to work.  She worked some magic and found a house for rent right in town, just a 5 minute drive, and for less money than the available hotels.
And because of her connections and knowledge, I was able to bank thousands of extra Marriott points while working in NYC which I later used to stay free at Marriott properties all over the southeast.
Going places is fun.
Going places free is way more funner.

Dee, one of her friends and clients, recently interviewed "The Source" for her blog.
Results are below.
Way to go Mommy!!!

If you would like to read Dee's blog, write to me and I'll connect you.


September 2014

Twenty Questions With Judy

My friend Judy and I met in our wonderful book group, The XXXX Book Club. Our dynamic leader runs a very loose ship but it’s always lots of fun. In the meeting last Saturday Judy mentioned she could use some marketing help with her travel business.  I met her for lunch on Monday and we brainstormed.  All of my clients are attorneys, so it was fun to talk about a different profession for a change.

I was intrigued to find Judy is a travel agent. I honestly thought nobody used travel agents any more.
Judy is an independent agent for Company X Travel.  It’s great that she gets to work from home.
Judy specializes in tours and cruises.

“People don’t realize that most of the time a travel agent can find the same or better rates, even finding perks not accessible to the public.“

I know from my own experience on my adoption trips, it’s great to be able to call your travel agent if there’s an issue, like the hotel room isn’t available or you need another ticket for your flight, etc. Judy handles that sort of thing for her clients and she’s a lot easier to reach than the 800 number of the airline or hotel company.

She often books travel a year in advance. “Often times a cruise line or tour company will have great rates that are only available months in advance.”

Where do most of her clients like to cruise?  I asked her. “In this area, most people want to cruise the Caribbean seeking out warm weather. However, I’ve done several European cruises this year. I was able to find a great rate on an Alaskan cruise for a couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

She gets a lot of repeat customers. “Frequent travelers tend to be a bit more adventurous and take longer trips.”

Judy is only a phone call away. You don’t necessarily need to be in Atlanta. You can reach her at xxx-xxxx.  (I'll be happy to put you touch with The Source.  Just write to me here.)

I asked her how the industry has changed now that everyone uses computers. “Most of the cruise lines use electronic tickets same as the airline industry. If you not familiar computers or have a printer, I will fill out the necessary informational forms and mail paper documentation,” she explains.

Judy has been on many cruises. “I love cruising. You either love it or you don’t.”

What type of cruise does she like?   “I like the river cruises best. The boats are much smaller making it easier to dock in smaller ports. The smaller boats take you to small towns and you get a better feel for the people and area. Cruising on The American Queen on the Mississippi River is fun and a part of American history."

(I would be thinking of Mark Twain the entire time if I could cruise the Mississippi!)

The river cruises in Europe serve recipes made with local fresh foods which I like. I don’t want to go to Europe and have a hamburger from McDonalds.”

Why cruises?   “A cruise is great because everything is right there. Adults have activities and entertainment and the kids usually have a kid’s age appropriate program. There are numerous dining options and you don’t have to get off the ship in port.”

The ships usually pull into a port in the morning and stay anywhere from 8-12 hours. Most of the port calls are for a day. Sometimes a European cruise will port overnight.

“Over Thanksgiving I am taking a Celebrity cruise out of ------. Our ports of call are XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX.

One of Judy’s passions is for genealogy. “I’ve only been to Italy once but it wasn’t a genealogy type of trip. I belong to an Italian genealogy group. I’ve done quite a bit of research. The internet makes researching a whole lot easier. I used to troop through old cemeteries, visit small libraries, and go into dusty old basements in little courthouses. Genealogy is a history puzzle. That’s why I like mystery books more than anything. That mystery part in genealogy goes into that mindset – why my ancestors came to this country and when. My dad’s side of the family is Italian. They were from San Lorenzo, north and east of Naples.”

Where else would she like to go? “I haven’t been able to do all the traveling I’d like to do. I’d love to go to Australia and New Zealand but there are other places closer I haven’t seen. I’d love to see all the US national parks.”

What is your full name? Judy X.

Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world?  Right now I am actually perfectly happy with Greater Atlanta.  Greater Atlanta is a unique little area that offers a lot. I’m close to art galleries, the airport, the Fox Theatre, but it also has a hometown feel. I would really have to think about that a while.

What is your favorite movie and why? I am not a movie person. However, I loved the Harry Potter movies.

What was your least-favorite subject in school when you were a kid? Probably Geography. (Ironic!)

What was your nickname when you were a kid? I don’t think I had one. I don’t remember anybody calling me anything but Judy.  (I've taken care of this for her ,))

Do you believe in God? Yes. I don’t think there’s a person sitting in the sky. I think of God as an energy force, a force of love and goodness.

What sound or noise do you love? Wind chimes. I have a whole slew of them – probably 5 or 6 out front. I love the sounds of the wind chimes.

If you could do anything other than what you do, as a profession, what would it be? I’d still travel. I hated Geography in school. I didn’t realize or care about geography or history until I started genealogy research-- and all of a sudden history and geography really meant something.

If heaven exists, what do you think it is like?  I don’t envision it as a building or a place. I think maybe it’s less specific, more of a just an area…

Do you have siblings? Yes. (How many?  Male/Female?  Alive?  Where?)

What is your favorite memory of childhood [something specific]?  Not a special day but a special time when I was little and I lived with my grandparents on their farm. It was a laid back, peaceful time.

If you had to choose between one week traveling around the USA by car, or one week traveling around Europe on a train, which would you choose and why? I’d want to do BOTH! I’d want to get off the train a lot. I’ve been to Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon but there are so many other places to see and things to do here in the US.

What or who inspires you? Probably my sons, they really do.  (awww...)

Which holiday do you prefer, Christmas or July 4th?  July 4th because it’s a fun time and there’s not a lot of pressure to make everything perfect. Not a lot of cooking, no worry about gifts. You just enjoy the day.

What project or idea are you most passionate about, right now? I want to dig deeper into family history. I love family stories.

Do you know how to cook? Yes. (Lasagna?  Hello?  Pleeeeasssseee?)

What is your favorite thing to cook/eat? I have a special pound cake recipe that came from my grandmother and it’s a very good recipe. I have sent it to my sons many times. Cakes have gone to California, New Jersey, foreign military bases, all over.  (Yes, more pound cake please!!!)

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, for 2-4 weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and why?   I would go to Italy. I’d really like to go and do more in depth genealogy research.

Who do you love the most in the world?  My children and grandchildren.

What question has nobody ever asked you, but you wanted to answer?  I don’t know.

Editor's Update:  If you would like info on travel feel free to contact me and I'll put you touch with The Source!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The latest post in which Bedford Slims steals my likeness!


I stumbled onto this little ad last night.  Bedford Slims are a new-ish brand of electronic cigarette.

Of course I wrote them.

“Dear Bedfordians,
If you're going to use an eyepatch wearing model for your website, why not use the real thing ? 
El Pinche Pirata del Fuego at your service!
You may not know this, but I have been Atlanta's top pirate since 2007 and was recently voted, "Hottest White Dude at Publix"  (Ponce  de Leon location) 
Lofty honors to be sure.
But not as great an honor as representing your fine company would be!
El Pinche Pirata del Fuego - don't settle for imitators!!!

Your friend and mine,
J  “


This has not really worked in the past.
My letter to Monday Night Brewing was completely ignored.  F@#ers!

Dear Monday Night Brewing Company People(s),

I had the great pleasure of meeting some of your company's representatives at my favorite local adult beverage and good time emporium, The Family Dog, last night.
They seemed like really nice people despite the fact that they were on their way to an Alanis Morrisette concert.  

But that is neither       here.     Nor                               

I am writing to you today because I feel that we, that is I, the Royal "We" if you will, think that I would be an excellent spokes-pirate for your company in general and especially for your 2 beers, Eyepatch IPA and Blind Pirate.
Who better to represent these 2 hand crafted beers than El Pinche Pirata del Fuego himself!?!
Or his self, if you prefer.
You may not know this, but I have been Atlanta's top pirate since 2007 and was recently voted, "Hottest White Dude at Publix"  (Ponce location) 
Lofty honors to be sure.
But not as great an honor as representing your fine brewing company would be!
I have already taken the liberty of throwing an advertising campaign together just so you can get a little taste of what EPPdF could do for you!
You can see it at www.elpinchepirata.blogspot.com under the post “Monday Night Brewing.”

Much love and many thanks,
Your friend and mine,
El Pinche Pirata del Fuego

I don't wanna brag or name drop but I have Lauren's number!

(It's a damn shame I didn't get it from her though and, although the lady that gave me her number was well meaning, I can never use it.  That would be weird and creepy.  But damn is it disappointing!!!)

It's new music Monday!

Here are some bands I've been listening to recently.  Hope you enjoy!

Vintage Trouble live on The Tonight Show.

Vintage Trouble's official video for Pelvis Pusher.

Ruby Velle and the Soulphonics.

More Ruby.

Lee Fields & The Expressions, "Wish you were here".