Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This is a very insightful look at the controversy currently surrounding Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow.
Dylan Farrow has claimed that Woody Allen sexually assaulted her when she was a child.
Allen claims that his former partner Mia Farrow twisted Dylan's head during their tumultuous split and ensuing legal battles.

For my part, I take Dylan Farrow on her word for one simple reason:
Allen is married to a woman that used to be (essentially) his step-daughter.

If Woody Allen's name was Kenny Allen, and instead of being a famous writer/director he was retired steel fitter from Pascagoula, Mississippi and you found that good ol' Kenny had run off with one of the adopted kids of his long term, live in girlfriend you'd think he was a real creep.
And, if one of the other kids of that long term, live in girlfriend later said that good ol' Kenny had sexually abused her, you would very likely believe it.
Because at some point, good ol' Kenny started viewing the children of his long term, live in girlfriend not as his own children, not as his step-children, not as children at all, but as sexual objects.
So much so that he ran off with one and married her.
For some reason, Woody Allen has largely gone on as if there were nothing to see.
Yes, there was a big scandal when he married Soon Yi but it has not impeded his career or his ability to work with Hollywood's best and brightest, which is saddening and also incredibly maddening.
It's fairly telling that people like Allen and Polanski continue to work, succeed, and to receive accolades from their peers.
And it's not good.

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