Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's fine and perhaps even understandable for you to not like Rush Limbaugh but it's not exactly a State Secret that Mathew Shepard was not killed because he was gay and his killers vicious homophobes.
He was killed because:
A.)  At least one of his killers was on a week long meth bender.
B.)  His killers thought that he would have either money or drugs and possibly both.
C.)  Shepard willingly got into his killer's truck because he was drunk and thought he was going to get lucky.
D.)  The End.

The story that he had been killed by vicious homophobes was started before he was even pronounced dead.
I base this "opinion" on well known facts, including a 20/20 News piece on the killing, interviews with the killers, interviews with the police, common fucking sense.

It is not, as the writer of this hit pieces says, a controversial notion from a book that came out last year about Shepard.

Limbaugh was likely referencing journalist Stephen Jimenez's controversial book, The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard. Released Oct. 1, Jimenez's book claimed that media narrative around the events pertaining to Shepard's death and motivations of his killers was incorrect.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news here people, but the media lies to you all the time in order to promote their own agenda.

Second Hand Smoke has been debunked.  Think of all the people you know who have died from second hand smoke.  Exactly.

Climate Change.  Anyone notice that it's not called global warming anymore?  Exactly.
(P.S.  None of the weather information people got the unusually cold, snowy winter predictions right.  Only Farmer's Almanac. )

AIDS will effect everyone.  Sorry folks but here in the good ol US of A at least, AIDS is still largely a gay man's disease.  If you're not having sex with a gay man, doing IV drugs, or sleeping with prostitutes, the chances that you get AIDS is pretty damn low.

Our media lies all the damn time and I find it irksome at best, and occasionally downright dangerous.
Most often, it's what they choose not to report that drives me nut-so.
Like this report from the UK:

If you read the article, you will notice that the monsters that attacked this girl are identified as Asian.
Go ahead and look at those pictures of the arrestee's again and tell me what you see?
The UK and most of Europe steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the enormous problem they have with new immigrants, in particular Muslim immigrants.
I've said it before, Sweden - "We're so fucking neutral we can't even be bothered to take sides in the holocaust fucking Sweden" - is now the Rape-y-ist place in all of Europe.
Because of the explosion (pun intended) of Muslim immigrants who believe that women are second class citizens at best, and have no moral qualms at committing horrible acts against women who are non-muslim.
The only thing more disturbing than the attacks themselves is the refusal of European "men" to actually do something to stop it and European women who don the bhurka in support of these immigrants to show solidarity.

The link below goes to a map of acts of terrorism committed in the name of Allah.

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