Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Anthony's Putsch - King of the world (official video)

I found this over at:

A few weeks ago, I wrote a story about the very unique relationships Dutch kids have to bikes. One of our readers, Jim Moore, was kind enough to recommend a music video by Anthony's Putsch, "King of the World," that he said we'd enjoy if we liked seeing babies on bikes (which I definitely do). He was 100% right.

The band members, Theun Ithe and his sisters, are actually from Groningen. If you missed our previous articles on this Dutch city, some key points are that it has a 50–60% bicycle commute rate, it may well be the best bicycle city in the world, and it has the best quality of life of any city I've visited.

Reportedly, Theun and crew didn't intend to make a video highlighting how special the Netherlands is when it comes to babies and toddlers on bikes. As another commenter noted, bicycling is so common there that it is somewhat invisible. "My Dutch contacts seem completely puzzled when I talk about their bike culture. Its invisible to them," BenBrownEA stated.

Here's a quotation from the Bicycle Dutch blog on just that point:

The video generates such positive vibes that it is making the rounds in circles of international cycling enthusiasts now. People can’t get enough of all the happy children on the bicycle. When people started to comment how special they think this is, it prompted the front man of the band to write: 'Typically Dutch I guess. Didn’t realize that when we made this vid.'

Isn’t it amazing how completely unaware the average Dutch person is about how special the cycling culture of the Netherlands is!

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