Thursday, June 21, 2012

San Antonio - La Ciudad de Las Luces!

Left Houston yesterday afternoon in....(wait for it)........the rain (claim your prize as you exit to the left).
I stood in the parking garage waiting for the storm to pass over - which it did several times - for nearly an hour.  Finally, tired of waiting, I put on my leathers (Rawr!!) and headed out to San Antonio.
I got on the hi-way in downtown Houston just in time for the first of 4 pounding showers that I rode thru yesterday afternoon, the last of which left me soggy from head to toe.  A wicked crosswind seemed to direct rain to that exact point on my jacket where it would drip into the crotch of my pants.
It was not fun and sexy.

My unscheduled bath on Interstate 10 was not entirely appreciated.

The rain let up somewhere around Weimar, TX and after a stop to fill up the tank and wipe the road grime spalletterd on my face, chest, neck, head, and teeth the rest of the ride to San Antonio was pleasant and I was nearly dry, minus my BVD's, by the time I got to my Godparent's home in Converse.

My Godparents, Mike and Lorraine.  Notice GPL is flying the colors!
After a warm shower and some hot food compliments of GPL, Cousin-brother Ron took me downtown to see the riverwalk and the Alamo at night. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this one for the "man I've been there" rider aspect
