Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rain and The Museum of Fine Arts

It's rained almost all day so, after eating lunch at The Bodega Taco Shop a couple blocks from Hotel ZaZa, I wandered thru The Museum of Fine Arts.
3 tacos plus chips, guacamole, and pablano and habanero salsa = good.  
After a brief struggle with the ticket lady over the meaning of "student" (student of life could qualify?) and after scolding her when she admitted to being an "Anglophile" when it came to art (a little racist dontyathink?), I paid my $5.00 and "got my art on".

The Renaissance produced this:

Claudio Coella - St. Michael the Archangel
And this:
Pier Francesco Mola - Erminia and Vafrino Tending the wounded Tancredi
We get:
and this:
Hardly seems fair.

I also saw this:
The Corn Poppy by Kees Van Dongen
which reminded me of everything Tim Burton has ever made.

The exhibit of Japanese Art at the other Museum of Fine Arts is amazing.  Beautiful silk screen panels and one of this things,
Vidyarajas or Bright Kings
Very cool in person - still amazed that, hundreds of years ago, someone carved this with their bare hands.  (Jeez.  I bitch when I have to go inside the bank for a deposit.)

I spent most of the afternoon on the patio at Hotel ZaZa writing and watching it rain.  All in all, not a bad day.

I missed this musuem though, which is, you know, kind of like a bummer.  And stuff.

http://www.nmfh.org/     The Museum of Funeral History, whose exhibits include (but are not limited to):
The History of Embalming
Coffins and Caskets of the Past

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