Monday, June 25, 2012

The Revenge of El Duece

Intelligent and insightful readers, Brian & Lisa, had this to say in regards to the recent reading from the official court transcripts from pending litigation in the case of :

"El Pinche Pirata del Fuego and The Entire Continent of North America, as Well as Most of the Caribbean Islands, Papua New Guinea-including but not limited to the Baka Pigmies, and also a Handful of Dissidents on the Ivory Coast vs. "El Duece" the Black-Hearted (formerly known as El Pinche Pirata del Fuego Hermano Numero Uno, El Pinche Pirata del Fuego hermano numero dos)"

"...yes officer.  I know where El Duece lives..."
June 26th, 2012

Dear EPPdF,
......Shame on El Duece for creating such a bad childhood memory. We say "Boo Hiss" to El Duece. We hope you enjoy The Scorpions concert and our theme song is "Rock you like a HURRICANE" "Go Canes"

Lisa, Chief El Hefe and,
Brian, All of the Indians

Thank You Chief El Hefe and AotI!!!

It's sexy and punctual readers like you, providing grass roots support, that have made this court case bearable and have given EPPdF the strength to soldier on in even the darkest moments.

(click link below, push play, then come back here to read the following paragraph aloud)

It is for you, Dear Readers, that I continue to fight the good fight.
For all of the small people, the frail, the sick and the creepy; the weak of spirit and occasionally of the flesh; for all of the forgotten names, the small voices in dark places coming from small minded people: for the drunk, and also the disorderly.  The malcontents, the misfits, the misanthropes, and the misinformed.  The belligerant, the bitchy.  The whiners, the stupid, the unbathed and the unhinged - for all of you incapable of making any sort of rational or healthy decision at all;  I am your voice!
It is FOR YOU! that I raise my glass and say, "WE HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO DRINK, er, FIGHT!!!"

It's such a shame when "family" members must resolve their personal issues in the U.S. legal system and I want the morally upright and reasonably flexible readers of The El Pinche Pirata del Fuego Memorial Blog, Online Religious Preparatory Academy, and Home for Wayward Women to know that I have made every reasonable attempt to resolve the many issues involved in this particular case with "El Duece";  all for naught.

The olive branch ripped from EPPdF's hands and thrown into EPPdF's face.
Where once we were "just like peas and carrotts", now we were like two things set at very far distances from one another with no signs of one or both of the things moving, within relation to their geo-spatial limits, to an axis that would be nearer the lattitude or longitudinal direction of the other "said object".

I was the bigger, handsomer man today when I sent this note to "El Duece":

(Dearest) (ed.) "Hermano-Duece"

I brushed up your post - extra special just for you!
Hope you get the ribbing and aren't offended in any way. If so, I will change.
 But only if you cry and admit you're a big baby first .))    
Your Favorite Brother,


But did it work?
Did "El Duece" respond in kind?
Would "El Duece" return the extended open hand with hermano-ly love?

Of course not.

From:     hermano numero dos formerly EPPdF Hermano Numero Uno
    Subject:     RE: El Duece
    Date:     June 25, 2012 4:17:22 PM EDT
    To:    EPPdF

Keep writing...Never knew you had any skills worth having!  I'm trying to figure out how your ribbing turns in to (get)(ed.) a Porsche for me... 

Best to Cousin-brother Ron, GPM & GPL...


It's on Bee-yatch!!!

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