While the left's attitude of defending Muslim culture is only to be understood within the context of
"the oppressed vs. the oppressors", even as news reports of vicious, unrelenting, and unprovoked attacks on any and all minorities by those precious folks from "The Religion of Peace", this article summarizes quite clearly how Muslims, by and large, think about oppressing women:
"There are no “free women” in Islam. There are women who belong to one man and there are women who belong to all men. There are wives and daughters or women who can be enslaved by any man."
And yet those well meaning idiots in Sweden don the Burka to show solidarity with their rapists.
It's multicultural suicide.
Sweden is now the rape capital of europe because of their lax immigration laws.
Immigrants coming from Africa and the Middle-East, seeking asylum from religious persecution, have arrived by the thousands. Rape and gang-rape by the thousands has been the result.
And yet the left continues to defend.
The reason is not that hard to understand as long as you're willing to warp your mind to leftist political theory.
The United States is bad. That's the first thing to remember.
And the rest of the world is full of people we either have oppressed or are planning to oppress in the near future.
George Bush, a conservative, invaded Iraq and Afghanistan = Evil America oppressing (yet again) another country full of well meaning members of the religion of peace.
The leftists hate George Bush, hate the U.S., and hate what they see as oppression, ergo they must side with Islam, regardless of questions of right/wrong or good vs. evil.
These are questions you're not allowed to ask a leftist unless you want to hear a very long narrative about the relative rightness v. wrongness of various U.S. military campaigns or how the American Indian was a noble savage living in peace with his brethren and at one with the land.
Talk to a leftist about the American Revolution and you will hear about native Americans.
Talk to a leftist about World War II and hear about the atom bomb.
Talk to a leftist about almost anything and you will hear about slavery.
And around and around you go.
And yet, all you have to do is click the mouse and you will have no end of asylum seekers in various countries committing awful acts and blaming cultural misunderstanding.
I can only hope that our distance from the problem will give us time to wake up.
P.S. In the interest of further exploring the left's hypocrisy on "women's issues", look no farther than the open letter written by Dylan Farrow in which she details a series of sexual assaults by Woody Allen.
This is not the first time these allegations have been heard but the silence from Hollywood is telling.
Alec Baldwin responded on Twitter with a non-response:
"You are mistaken if you think there is a place for me, or any outsider, in this family's issue."
Somehow I doubt that he would refrain from commenting if this were a member of Duck Dynasty.
And this is even more true for Roman Polanski, who at least admitted (somewhat) to his crime, but then fled the country. His victim was 13 years old and drugged.
But he's a great director so all is forgiven.
Here's a picture of the girl Polanski raped:
It's interesting that even as they continue to laud Polanski and Allen with accolades, they continue their attack on Sarah Palin in the most vile ways.
MARTIN BASHIR: One of the most comprehensive first-person accounts of slavery comes from the personal diary of a man called Thomas Thistlewood, who kept copious notes for 39 years. Thistlewood was the son of a tenant farmer who arrived on the island of Jamaica in April 1750, and assumed the position of overseer at a major plantation. What is most shocking about Thistlewood's diary is not simply the fact that he assumes the right to own and possess other human beings, but is the sheer cruelty and brutality of his regime.
In 1756, he records that "A slave named Darby catched eating canes; had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, s-h-i-t in his mouth." This became known as Darby’s dose, a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of the slave owners savagery and inhumanity.
And he mentions a similar incident again in 1756, this time in relation to a man he refers to as Punch. "Flogged Punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper; made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouth." I could go on, but you get the point.
When Mrs. Palin invoked slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms that if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, then she would be the outstanding candidate.
At least Bashir was forced to resign after nearly a month.
Meanwhile, back in Texas would be governor Wendy Davis continues to receive widespread support from the left while, at best, only telling half truths on her website.
She tries to relate to single, working moms by telling her personal story of having 2 daughters while working thru law school. What she left out is the sugar daddy that paid for that school and helped to care for the daughters in Texas when she went off to Harvard.
In his version, the sugar daddy says that he found it odd that she left once he made the last payment for law school.
I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
All this while shrieking that Republicans are declaring war on women.
Lest you think I exagerate when I speak of leftists, Marxists, and outright communists, here's a little article from Salon.com finally exposing the truth about communism.
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