Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The first person to hike The AT, The Pacific Crest, and The Continental Divide

I remember our scoutmaster, Bob Pielow, reading from Eric Ryback's memoir about his experience hiking the Appalachian Trail like it was yesterday.
We had an active troop (#123 in Winter Haven, FL) that was constantly on the go and summertime always meant going off into the woods to muck around on the trail somewheres.
I'm sure there were many happy mothers in our little town, who patted there offspring on the head, dropped them at the lodge, and then did donuts in the church parking lot right after the bus left in celebration of 2-3 weeks with one less child to worry over.
If "The Source of the Trouble" were lucky, it meant 2 less kids to feed and beat during those hot summer days.

Eric's story of hiking the AT solo back in 1969 is hilarious if you can find a copy.

Here's him being interviewed via Podcast.


<iframe width="320" height="24" src="http://www.practicalbackpacking.com/show/?powerpress_embed=356-podcast&amp;powerpress_player=default" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


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