While I appreciate this writer's sense of humor, I do have one question:
If the Benghazi scandal happened under the Bush administration's time in office would he be making these type jokes?
That's rhetorical of course.
The answer is an obvious NO.
So, why is this writer so cavelier about an obvious abuse of power?
Why does this writer not care more that 4 Americans died because of this administrations incompetence and dishonesty?
And, the answer to those questions is obvious to: Because he's a partisan.
He wants "his side" to win, and to win at all costs.
If they to have to get their hands dirty doing so, so be it.
It's disturbing.
MAY 11, 2013
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what may be the most serious allegation ever made against the former Secretary of State, Fox News Channel reported today that Hillary Clinton was involved in the conspiracy to murder President Abraham Lincoln.
The latest charge against Mrs. Clinton was reported by Fox host Sean Hannity, who said that the evidence of her role in the Lincoln assassination came mainly in the form of e-mails.
According to Mr. Hannity, “If it’s true that Hillary Clinton killed Lincoln, this could have a major impact on her chances in 2016.”
The accusation against Mrs. Clinton drew a strong response from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R.—S. Carolina): “There’s been a concerted effort by Hillary Clinton to cover up her role in President Lincoln’s murder. She has said nothing about it. This is bigger than Watergate, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Second World War put together.”
Responding to the allegation, Mrs. Clinton issued a terse statement indicating that she could not have participated in Lincoln’s assassination because she was born in 1947.
“That’s what she wants us to believe,” Sen. Graham said.
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