Thursday, May 16, 2013

What a colossal failure.

A brief review of some of this administrations embarrassments:

Obama's involvement with and then distancing himself from Reverend Wright - pick a speech on YouTube and be mad
Obama's speech to a group of African American Pastors - in which he stated that New Orleans didn't get financial aid because racism. Funds had been released two weeks prior to the speech.
Fast and Furious - A convoluted and dangerous scheme that involved selling high power weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels.  A U.S. Border Patrol Agent killed
Pigford Scandal - Are you a minority?  Feel like you might've wanted to be a farmer?  Feel discriminated?  Collect $50,000 compliments of U.S. Taxpayers.
AP - phone tapping
IRS - abuse of power, targets conservative groups
Friend of Bill Ayers - The Weather Underground, American terrorists
180 rounds of gold
3.6% of time on economy
"At a certain point, you've made enough money."  Obama 2008.

I have no doubt that the U.S. Marine trained to fight, kill, and die for his country in the picture above loves holding an umbrella for this man.


I took this post down and was immediately scolded by Tatianna:

You took it down!!!!! 
NONONONO, you must own your rants!
(also I wanted to read it again for a chuckle)
So, here it is again in all it's glory.

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