Ms. X and I drove up to Chattanooga on Friday afternoon to see Band of Horses at Track 29.
As luck would have it, Track 29 is right behind the Chattanoonga Choo Choo Museum and walking distance to "The Charming and Unstoppable DeDe's" house.
We had a great but too short visit with "tCaUD2" and brought her up to speed on all of the comings and goings on(es) of the "del Fuegos" et al, and bored her with my travel photos before going over to the show.
Track 29 is a smaller venue, maybe a thousand or so people were there, in what looks like an old railroad wharehouse. Band of Horses put on a great show playing most of their first 2 albums and a fair amount of the new one. The sound was great and the crowd and I song along to all the biggies - Laredo, Ode to the LRC, The General Specific, etc.
We had a blast.
I like this band even more now than before.
And, "the Amazing" lived up to his name by getting us "All Access With the Band" tickets at the last minute.
The staff had a question about the nature of "All Access" vs. "just got free tickets" but, it was nice to be on the list and we gave one of our spare tickets to "tCaUD2" who had got popped by security after she jumped the fence (she's in her early 50's) (mother of 4) who is morally opposed to paying for concert tix.
(I'm not sure if that applies to all forms of entertainment at all venues or just Track 29.)
Still, it's funny to think about the tiny 50+ mother of 4 jumping the chain link fence in her cowboy boots on the back side of the building while her daughter nervously palms a fake ID on the front.
Good times.
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