Wednesday, March 26, 2014

As if you didn't have enough fears in your anxiety closet now there is something called a "Viking" rat.
And it is scary.

And while we're on the subject of rats for the second time in the last few months, a Swedish was nearly thrown off a bridge by a gang of immigrants.
If you read entirely too much news like me you'll see that this type of violence has been steadily increasing across Europe.
Groups of immigrants attacking natives without provocation or for the slightest offense.
Making it worse is that throughout much of Europe there are rules regulating speech in such a way that even discussing the issue could result in jail terms for "discrimination" or even "hate speech".

A man has been charged on the suspicion of aggravated assault after another man was badly beaten and nearly thrown off a bridge in Malmö, while his 18-month-old son looked on.

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