With the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and the surrounding mystery and potential conspiracy theories, and the focus now being on the plane's captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, you've probably missed these stories in the U.S.
A muslim man in Texas murders his daughter for being a lesbian.
Islam is the only religion the left seems intent on protecting despite the many cases where minorities are abused and killed.If this were a case of some christian religious fanatic murdering his lesbian daughter it would be front page news. Guaranteed.
All the reporters and journalists on the nightly news would be wringing their hands in outrage, over and over again, as leaders from GLADD talked about the daily catastrophes gay, lesbian, and transgendered peoples suffered and that's why all religions are bad and why we need another government sponsored anti-bullying campaign.
But, since this is a muslim man murdering his lesbian daughter and this does fit into the left's narrative of oppressed vs. oppressor, you won't hear this story anywhere.
This man wanted to blow up Skyway Bridge.
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/03/florida-muslim-plotted-to-plant-explosives-in-tampas-party-district-as-payback-for-osamas-deathThis student at Georgia Tech blew himself up while building Molotov cocktails in his dorm room.
But nobody else was in danger.He was just building Molotov cocktails for fun, ya' know.
He definitely was NOT going to use them on anything.
It was just an experiment.
Like science and stuff, right?
This happened in France:
“Dirty Jew, Go home to Israel” — Muslim mother and daughter assault Jewish girl
A woman and her daughter were attacked when a muslim lady saw a star of David necklace the woman was wearing. And of course, many bystanders jumped to the woman's aid in freethinking France.
In New York Muslims are pushing for Halal certified foods in public schools.
Minneapolis City Hall celebrates hijab day.
You know, when women voluntarily wear their head-scarves to show their complete submission to men.
The woman mostly behind the effort for Hijab Day was involved in a brawl at the Democratic Caucus earlier in February.
The city's first policewoman of Somali descent wears her hijab to work.
This university in Pennsylvania has provided a mosque for muslim students.
Of course it's segregated for men and women.
CAIR, a big umbrella group supposedly representing moderate muslims -
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