I was at Bookhouse Pub recently and was completely mesmerized by a Jackie Chan movie they had playing on the big screen.
I know that sounds wrong on many levels but,
A.) Bookhouse is a cool bar - great wood work - that plays quirky movies a couple nights a week. Mostly they seem to favor Japanese Anime and various foreign films.
B.) It's a beautifully shot movie and not the typical slapstick/karate films Chan often does.
So, I went to the magical Amazon box on this here computery thing and ordered myself a copy of
"Little Big Soldier" starring Chan.
But, since it's Amazon they have these nefarious pop-ups that say things like,
"Hey there EPPdF!
You know what else you should spend your hard earned dollars on?
We have a few ideas right over here.
It's really great stuff that you really, really need.
Whydon'tcha let us just box it right up and ship it to you for free in 2 days.
You can always return it if ya' don't really want it.
You'd be a silly, silly man to let these deals slip thru your hands.
You're not a silly man are you?
Of course not.
Now you just sit back and let ol' Uncle Amazon have that nasty little credit card - you don't want to hold to that little thing.
Full of germs and bacteria and stuff.
It's just bad for you.
Now you just click the clicker there.
Good boy.
Gooooood boy.
So today, waiting on the porch, was a copy of "Little Big Soldier" plus
A.) 2 copies of The War of the Arrows - another epic feudal Samurai movie
2.) 2 copies of the book, The Guns at Last Light
Not sure how I managed to buy to 2 of each but that's what's in the box.
So, if anyone needs an extra copy contact me soon.
Uncle Amazon is calling and now I have credit to spend.

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