Dear Baby Jesus,
How ya' doin?
Things going ok?
Can I ask a favor?
Is there any chance you can spend a few minutes today gettin' all Biblical on AT & T?
They've been really, really naughty lately and I feel a little smiting is in order.
My internets have been down since Thursday and AT & T won't be around to correct the problem until this Friday.
That's straight up sinful.
It's exactly like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Thanks Lil' Buddy!
This past weekend was Summerfest in my neighborhood.
It's a good time to be in the VaHi.
They block off Virginia Ave. and line it with artists' booths and all kinds of great foods.
Mikey enjoyed the Friday afternoon stroll down the line - before the official opening - dogs aren't allowed during the festival.
I enjoyed many hand-dipped corn dogs and fresh lemonades.
Keith and Kerry brought the babies down and little Logan and I went around to see the pretty ladies.
Good Lord I love that little boy.
He is a ladies man.
He loves them and they love him.
Bless his little heart.
Mary came down and we spent a little time together.
She came over to play with Mikey who had a near complete meltdown when he saw her.
That dog would push me right down a well for Mary.
It was good to see her.
I saw one of DumDum's friends that I like and gave him the rundown on what's been going on for the last year.
During my "history of the past 12 months he said,

Yes. Yes I am.
He's the guy who told me, "I'm surprised you didn't run a bull dozer thru DumDum's house when you broke up."
Me too, brother.
Got to see Emily when she got back from Charlotte.
She liked being on my bike so much that she went and got her permit and a new bike.
She's pretty cool.
Ya' know.
For a girl anyhow.
I was being a smart ass at dinner and smacked her hand when she picked up her IPhone which she dropped directly into her margarita.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of buying her a new one.
I bought 2 new Iphones yesterday and neither one for me.
Oh well.
On and up.
From all your post you seems to have many ex's (wives and girlfriends). Dude you must have commitment issues or be a real jackass to keep running off good women!