Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Seattle + The Canadians

After spending the day with Auntie M and cousin Steph + Michael, I went back to the Space Needle-y thing to see Chihuly at night.  It's amazing to see his work at night, all lit up, with the dark sky in the background.  I think the pictures came out pretty darn good.  Thanks Fuji!

I walked back to the hotel just in time to get a nightcap in the bar, and was sitting outside sipping on a Tom Collins, when Brenda and Dominic came back from the baseball game (Blue Jays vs. whatever the heck the name of the Seattle team is)(not really a sports guy).
I met Brenda and Dominic the first night I got into Seattle.  They are newlyweds from Toronto, just returning from their honeymoon cruise to Alaska.  Really nice folks.
There is something about those Canadians.  They're just better.
Anyhoo, they invited me to join them for another nightcap and some late night eats around the corner from the hotel and I gladly accepted.  We ended up at Tully, a nice little restaurant on 4th Ave. in downtown and we collectively plowed thru a plate of steak skewers, humus-y something or another, something on toast, and another bite of something really great that I can't recall, and some soft pretzels with spicy mustard.  That and whatever concoction the waitress brought in a little copper cup with lime on the side hit the spot.
We sat and talked until the bar staff kicked us out and we made our way back home.
Nice couple.  Hope they stay in touch.

Chihuly at night!

If you'd like to learn more about Chihuly - follow this link:  https://www.artsy.net/artist/dale-chihuly

Dale Chihuly

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Original Space Needle-y Thing

Rode into Seattle last night after a quick visit with "Auntie M", over in Puyallup.
Walked down to the pier, near the aquarium to take some pictures (didn't come out well) and grap a bite at Rock Bottom Brewery (that's a chain, right?).
I was up early again this morning (dammit!) so I walked down to Pioneer Square at 6 am to get coffee and write a little.
After a long walk, I came back to The Vintage Hotel for breakfast.  The wait staff was really nice.
Had a long chat with Katie, my waitress, and taught her "The Song Game".  That's where you try to get the worst song you can think of stuck in your co-workers head.  Lots of fun when you're trying to irritate the people around you.  Just try it.  Walk up to a coworker and softly whistle or hum something awful, like   ".....how can we sleep while the beds are burrrrnnnninnng..."   then walk away.  If they're still humming the song 20 minutes later, you win.  Good times.
(Yes, I know it's horribly stupid and immature, but loads of fun.) ( When you realize that your coworkers have been singing a terrible Bon Jovi song for 2 hours and can't stop, you'll get it.)

Auntie M and cousin Stephanie + her son, Michael, drove down to meet me at The Space Needle.
Didn't really feel like I needed to wait in line for an hour to go to the top of the needle-y thing so we just walked around the Chihuly exhibit, which was really cool, then over to Pike's Market to roam a bit.  Pike's is the place you've seen on tv where they throw the fresh fish around.
It's worth seeing but a little over done with us tourist folks.  Had a nice time and great to see family so far from home.

Got some great pictures of Chihuly's work with the new camera. (Fuji X100 digital)

Cousin Stephanie with Michael.

I feel a strange connection to this Chihuly guy.

Notice the reflection:  That's "Auntie M" holding up the Space Needle-y thing.

Seems just plain wrong to pierce a horses forehead.