“‘One Nation Under Allah’: The Islamization of American Public Schools,” Breitbart, April 29, 2014
Endless concessions and accommodations to Islamic demands only give way to more demands for even more Islam, as shown in the recent blockbuster revelations of an Islamic takeover of UK public schools. What is less well known is the same kinds of things are happening here in the United States.
So outrageous were the allegations that the usually subdued and sharia-compliant British authorities initiated an investigation into the charges that devout Muslims covertly sought to “Islamize” the public schools in the UK. The bombshell was dropped last month in a leaked letter, describing an operation purportedly named “Trojan Horse.” According to Andrew Gilligan in The Telegraph, the jihad ringleader of the Trojan Horse plot constructed and implemented a “detailed blueprint for the radical ‘Islamisation’ of secular state schools.” The plot was so severe that a number of UK schools now face “special measures,” which is the British term for (at worst) closings and (at best) a takeover of the school administration.
The plot called for “girls [to] be covered except for their hands and faces,” gender segregation/apartheid for some school activities, and an Islamic curriculum. Mirroring the Muslim Brotherhood strategic goal for the U.S., which according to a captured internal document was to work toward “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers,” this plot also sought to use the system to destroy the system.
The plot was indeed undertaken. Non-Muslim headmasters and headmistresses were targeted for termination. Muslim parents were the foot soldiers. Muslim education officials were used to force schools that didn’t want to comply to fall into line with the “views and aspirations of Muslim parents and the local community.”
They succeeded. In one school, Christian students had to teach themselves religious education because the teacher was devoting all his time to Muslim students. One school, Park View, instituted forced and discriminatory gender apartheid, with “boys sitting towards the front of the class and girls at the back or around the sides.” Students recounted in biology class, the teacher “briefly delivered the theory of evolution to comply with the syllabus.” According to a non-Muslim teacher, Park View’s principal, Mozz Hussain, spewed “mind-blowing” anti-American “propaganda” at assemblies. And Asif Khan, a Muslim teacher of Arabic, admitted that he made students sing chants attacking Christmas and Christian beliefs.
The same kinds of things are happening here in America, but when my colleagues and I warn about them, we are called conspiracy theorists. Well, there is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact. And we do see attempts to further the Islamization of the classroom here, in innumerable large and small ways, pushed by both Muslims and non-Muslims….. continue reading.
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/04/pamela-geller-breitbart-column-one-nation-allah-islamization-american-public-schools.html/#sthash.tjhkiEyO.dpuf
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