Monday, April 7, 2014

"Mozilla believes in equality and freedom of speech."
This quote from the new CEO of Mozilla-Firefox after the old CEO was asked to step down for exercising his own freedom of speech.
No sense of irony from her at all.
Nothing to see here.

According to Slate magazine, the pro-Prop 8 contingent was incredibly cruel and unusually mean.
But he forgets to mention that President Obama was against gay marriage at that time as well.
Odd that he would forget that.

The Slate writer also neglects to talk about the harassment, intimidation, and violence directed at those who supported Prop 8.

We've seen a fair amount of this over the past few years.
Almost always it starts with a left leaning person and/or group who finds, steals, or hacks a list of donors or contributors or supporters of some particular cause, and then that list is posted on line so that other left leaning folks can harass and intimidate them.
It rarely happens the other way.
Look at the gun owner databases that were put online in the wake of the Newton shootings.
Or even, Spike Lee tweeting out the address of George Zimmerman's parents - which turned out to be incorrect and very well could have resulted in 2 very innocent people becoming 2 very dead innocent people.

I've remarked several times here that it has seemed to me the most militant, strident, and dangerous people are those on the left who scream loudest for their freedom of speech as they are almost always the first to deny that freedom of speech to their opponents.

I don't often agree with comedian Bill Maher b/c he's an asshat but all of this does seem to prove his point:


Last week 2 journalists were shot, one killed, while covering upcoming elections in Afghanistan.
This journalist from the LA Times wants you to know that this woman would still be alive if not for George Bush.  George Bush killed this woman that's the takeaway.,0,143254.story#axzz2yCSItsxF 

Jay Z seen wearing medallion of The 5 Percent -
Just in case you would like to read about what The 5 Percent believe Vice Magazine has an investigative report here:

"The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: Fuck white people. Seriously. White people are devils."

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