Saturday, April 5, 2014

Among the many reasons a person may or may not like former President Bill Clinton, I find the genocide in Rwanda often overlooked.
Clinton was embroiled in the Monica Lewinsky scandal at the time and had little political clout to expend on craziness in a third world country.
And so he did nothing.
Nearly 1,000,000 men, women, and children were hacked to pieces by people who had been their neighbors, while the world stood by and did nothing.
It's one of my biggest reasons for not liking Clinton.
That and the fact that he's always seemed more like a small town, used car salesman than a president to me.
The Rwandan Genocide is also one of many reason I see no use and have little respect for The United Nations.
This type of conflict is what they were designed to stop and yet, after the death of 8 Belgium Peace Keepers, the UN pulled out of Rwandan leaving the civilians to fend for themselves with predictable results.

As April 7th rolls around, marking the 20th "anniversary" of the genocide in Rwanda, the BBC presents UN peacekeeper Capt Mbaye Diagne, who denied orders and saved 600 lives before being killed himself.

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