Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I was speaking to the voices in my head about dinner and.......

...well, to be quite frank with you the voice was giving me a bit of grief about tonight's menu, which was:

2 Vanilla Pudding cups.

Ya' see, sometimes the voice(s) can be quite ugly and say nasty things to you.
See previous post - http://elpinchepirata.blogspot.com/2013/07/in-post-i-put-up-earlier-today-i.html
Other times the voices just crack me right the f@#K up.

Like when I mounted a fairly strategic, and might I add rhetorically valid, argument in defense of my dinner choices this evening.

I think what cracks me up the most is the look the dog is giving me just as I start to realize that I've been having this argument out loud with this imaginary TV amalgamation of all the perfect moms -
so beautiful and thin and put together and never at her wit's end like both Donna Reed and June Cleaver, and yet so wonderfully, happily, huggably, plus-sized, like so many other film and TV moms, and of course, always with that great Italian/Jewish mother habit of over-feeding you with all your favorites:
"JoSEph! Oh, you're SO skinny!  Eat!  EAT!!!"
(Totally works in either accent.)

"I don't want you to "Change" the behavior:  just notice it when it happens."

Inside voice, Joe.  Use the inside voice.

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