Monday, July 15, 2013

Everybody just relax!

Finally, Katy Perry has thrown her hefty bust into the Zimmerman/Martin debate and, if you were concerned about which side of the argument her chest would land on, rest your weary head on her heaving bosom, close your eyes, and dream a little dream:

Pop singer Katy Perry and the son of Mia Farrow agree on one thing regarding the acquittal of George Zimmerman--it confirms their feelings that America remains a racist society.

Ronan Farrow, the biological son of the actress and her former beau, Woody Allen,unleashed a tweet today bemoaning the state of the U.S. judicial system in the wake of Zimmerman's not guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin killing case. And Perry was only too proud to retweet Farrow's race-obsessed viewpoint:

Ugh, my tummy turns. RT “@RonanFarrow: American justice: still colorblind (as long as you're white).”


This from

On Monday, Edward Wyckoff Williams of put his finger on the real problem with America’s simmering racial conflict in the aftermath of the George Zimmerman verdict: “white rage.” Wyckoff Williams claimed, “in the American South it seems white folks suddenly believe that decorum and charm are a proper response to unspeakable acts of violence and unconscionable injustice…. Sanford police coyly ‘tolerated’ the actual killing of an unarmed black child, but yet refuse to ‘tolerate’ any anger expressed for the acquittal of his murderer. This is the new Jim Crow realized.” In other words, when a Hispanic man kills a young black man in self-defense, that’s thanks to white people being angry.

Wyckoff continued, “This arrogant call to remain calm in the face of such fatal injustice reveals a basic disregard for the humanity of black people. It is this fundamental disconnect — an unwillingness or inability to see African-Americans as fully realized human beings — that allows whites to blindly ignore the need for equal treatment and equal justice.” In fact, Wyckoff says, “white rage” lies behind President Obama’s political troubles: “President Barack Obama is not immune — as he’s become the target of incessant ‘white rage’: race-baiting attacks, prejudice and bias even prior to his election. The Republican Party and its neo-Confederate Tea Party wing has been committed to invalidating his political and legislative legacy as much as the Zimmerman jury invalidated the civil rights of Trayvon.”

To demonstrate that this pernicious “white rage” permeates America, Wyckoff cites two white race riots…from 1921 and 1923. The sentence for being black, Wyckoff says, is “death without parole.”

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).


Seriously though,  this is the guy police saw when they showed up to investigate the shooting of Trayvon Martin:

This guy, with the blood coming out of his face and the back of his head, claimed that he was attacked by this sweet little guy,

and that he fired his gun in self defense.

Clearly, he is a liar, white supremacist, and he's on a mission to end all minorities.
The coroner's autopsy reported that at the time of his death, Martin was 5'11" and 158 lb.s.
Not huge but not the cuddly boy shown in the picture above and roughly the same size I am right now.
(I'm 6 ft. on a good day and have fluctuated between 175 and 185 over the past few years.)
The real story is a nervous man with a gun, Zimmerman, intersects with an angry young black man, Martin, and a tragic death ensues.

It's been part comedy, part tragedy, and all head-scratchingly confusing to watch the media bend this story into a modern lynching.

(Ed. Note:  I wrote this a couple hours ago, had dinner, and came back home to find this story:)

Except that none of the facts support that story.

Ed.Note 2:  One of the jurors comments that she thought Martin threw the first punch.

But, since a black teenager was shot by a white male the narrative is already set.
Nancy Grace took a clip of the 911 audio tape and turned Zimmerman saying "f@#ing cold" into "f@#ing coon".  

And, you'd be a pretty good gambler if you bet against The Reverend Al Sharpton just about everytime.
From Tawana Brawley to Trayvon Martin he is almost universally on the wrong side of the facts.
But, don't expect that to slow him down.

The media has a narrative to tell and it goes something likes this; 
"Middle-class white American's don't like you and now here's more proof (insert new story here)".

The truth is most people don't care one way or another what color you are or where you're from .or who you sleep with.
If you show up and you're polite, not a complete pain in the ass, and do the things you're supposed to do people, by and large, will respond in kind, or at the very least leave you be.

I'm 43 as of a couple days ago and have yet to be invited or even accidentally stumble into, "the angry white guy meeting" where a bunch of overweight 50 somethings in bad suits and matching tupees hatch new and improved ways to keep "those people" in their place.
Maybe they're still happening but my Evite must be getting sent to an old email account.


As for Mr. Wyckoff Williams of

I am a middle aged (more or less) white guy (more or less) from the south and I take great offense to your comments.
Having lived in Florida for my first 20 years and having lived in Georgia for the past 20 years, I can tell you that the south you are picturing only exists in the minds of the college professors that filled your head with such garbage.
Maybe you could actually do a little traveling and expand your view sometime.
I would be surprised to learn that you've ever actually crossed the Mason-Dixon Line.
I've spent a fair amount of time in the wonderland of NYC where you and all your bright-eyed, bushy-tailed,and opened minded friends make your home and I can tell you that I've seen and heard many more bigoted, ugly remarks there than here.
And, I would add that the most ugly remarks that I've heard have not come from white middle-anything America, but people like you who think they know it all and have the right to dictate to me how I should think, feel, and live.
Kindly go f@#k yourself.


P.S.  Boobs


Follow up:,0,7388147.story

And, finally, El Supremo in Chief, Mr. President, asks the nation to "Just be cool, man" in response to the Zimmerman verdict.
Convenient since his comment at the very outset of this story hitting the press helped to further inflame racial tensions and give relevance, and dare I say, Gravitas, to the story.

Nice job.

(Remember Gravitas?  Such a buzzword way back when.  How much I miss those simpler times.)

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