Here's the song once again:
Chevy Van by Sammy Johns
I gave a girl a ride in the wagon
She crawled in and took control
She was tired as her mind was a-draggin
I said get some sleep - and dream of rock and roll
'Cause like a picture she was laying there
Moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
She's gonna love me in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me
Her young face was like that of an angel
Her long legs were tanned and brown
Better keep your eyes on the road son
Better slow this vehicle down
'Cause like a picture she was laying there
Moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
She's gonna love me in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me
I put her out in a town that was so small
You could throw a rock from end to end
A dirt road main street, she walked off in barefeet
It's a shame I won't be passin' through again
'Cause like a picture she was laying there
Moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me
'Cause like a picture she was laying there
Moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me
Cause like a picture she was laying there
Moonlight dancing off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy van
And that's alright with me
I'll let you, dear reader, decide whether or not Sammy Johns should, in fact be incarerated or at the very least have his computer confiscated by the FBI.
But here is the response I recieved from a dear reader, and a woman no less, who has chimed in to defend Sammy Johns' abuse of underage girls:
From: A concerned Reader ( who spends time in the back of Chevy Vans - possibly)
Sept. 18, 2012
I do want to add my two cents worth to "So about this song..."
First, I absolutely knew without even scrolling down the song you were referencing. haahaha and truth be told, from a woman's perspective, no rape occurred. Let's call it what it really is...ready...
Ummmmm FICTION! or FANTASY! Or to be more blunt WET DREAM by the songwriter.
I have a good idea of what guys rode around in Chevy vans, yesterday and today. And no nubile young women is going to take any of those scumbags by the hand to do things in the Chevy van. Ya know! Didn't happen. And yes, this song was very popular because young guys thought "Yeah, that's right" and I'm here to say "Nope, won' happen Jackoff" (how do I really feel?!)
But in art and fiction the topic of rape is an unfortunate recurring theme. So I share a poem which you probably are already familiar with.
The first time I read it, I was literally shocked even a little stunned and it was taken from a story in Greek mythology about good ole Zeus.
Leda and the Swan by William Butler Yeats
A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
And how can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?
A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken wall, the burning roof and tower
And Agamemnon dead.
Being so caught up,
So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?
From: EPPdF
Sep 18 (12 days ago)
To: A concerned Chevy Van lovin' gal
And I thought Yeats was gay
Who knew he was out just a-rapin' away willy-nilly!?!
That's where the conversation was left until this SHOCKING email was recieved yesterday.
From: A concerned reader who clearly has spent some time in a Chevy Van
Sep 29 (1 day ago)


So as I tuned in today to your little diatribes I read the note from High school Sweetheart Fred... And as I'm looking at the sweet picture of you two I notice something.
Chevy Van!!! No way. I now know you must have had that song blaring out the unrolled windows more than once and a sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere reached out their hand to you in said van. Hahahhagasp
Nice shoes by the way.
A concerned Chevy Van lovin' gal
Sent from my iPhone


EPPdF Sep 29 (1 day ago)

A gentleman does not kiss and tell! Joey Sent from my iPhone

From: Concerned reader
Sep 29 (1 day ago)


That's all you got?
But yet you let me go on my soap box about guys in Chevy Vans knowing you had one! Some friend you are. I think you should pull those sneakers out and make your own fashion statement
A concerned Chevy Van lovin' gal
Sent from my iPhone


But yet you let me go on my soap box about guys in Chevy Vans knowing you had one! Some friend you are. I think you should pull those sneakers out and make your own fashion statement
A concerned Chevy Van lovin' gal
Sent from my iPhone


From: EPPdF
Sep 29 (1 day ago)
That van did have a bed in the back


From: EPPdF
12:11 PM (23 hours ago)

Also, I wore Budweiser high tops to prom.
That van did have a bed in the back


From: EPPdF
12:11 PM (23 hours ago)

Also, I wore Budweiser high tops to prom.
![]() |
EPPdF, The Source of the Trouble, "El Duecey" |
I would like to say that, as my personal and professional blog, there is no room for "facts" and/or "science" here on the El Pinche Pirata del Fuego Memorial Blog, Online Religious Preparatory Academy, and Home for Wayward Women.
I completely intend to bend, manipulate, and to possibly outright fabricate evidence to support whatever case/theory/madness I am currently diatribing about if and when that becomes necessary and/or enjoyable.

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