A couple of days ago, I arrived home after walking "dog" about the neighborhood to find that my landlord had parked like this:
Over the line, Smokey. Mark it zero.
This is not 'Nam: there are rules.
At some point over the past few months my neighbor appointed herself Neighborhood Parking Warden. I know this because she started placing orange traffic cones at the edge of her driveway if she deemed that a vehicle had crossed into the very unsafe territory of said driveway. She has a very large, very expensive SUV that she needs for her only child and her 8 lb. dog and a very narrow driveway that she uses on rare occasions to unload groceries and the like. I don't need to expend much energy in this post explaining all the various dangers implicit in the complicated parking process - you know them all too well. So when the Neighborhood Parking Warden's orange traffic cone first showed, I was thankful that someone was finally putting safety first.
And, given that my landlord is getting on in years and prone to parking like a wild hyena in a Prius, it just made good sense.
I too care about safety.
So when I arrived home to find that the Neighborhood Parking Warden had already clocked out for the evening and this renegade Prius, this ne'er-do-well of the auto world, this 4-wheeled screaming, electric banshee of a car had been parked well into the "designated danger zone" of parking, i.e. The Traffic Warden's driveway, I decided to take this egregious affront to all things safe and good into my own hands.
First, I isolated the maverick from "the danger zone."
Next, I corralled the offending Prius using tactics I learned from studying The Neighborhood Traffic Warden's methodology.
Next, after considering that the offending Prius might slide out sideways and make a run for it, I installed safety tape on all 4 sides. I didn't have access to The Neighborhood Parking Warden's bright yellow Caution tape so I had to use a substitute.
And finally, considering the fact that we have been getting an usually high level rainfall this spring, I added a couple of Pool Noodles to help keep the little fella's head above water in his temporary holding pen should we get another thunder shower.
I think we all have learned some very valuable lessons from The Neighborhood Parking Warden over the past many weeks and I would like to be the first to say, "Thank You! for your diligence, your sense of duty to God, family, community, and parking - and for making all of us here in the neighborhood a little safer - one orange cone at a time."
You're doing the Lord's work, madam Neighborhood Parking Warden.
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