Thursday, August 29, 2013

Are these people insane?


Iowa Democrat gubernatorial candidates joined abortion activists in a prayer for increased access to abortion at a rally held Wednesday.

Similarly, Life News reports the “prayer:”

We give thanks, oh Lord, for the doctors, both current and future, who provide quality abortion care.

We pray for increased financial support for low-income women to access contraception, abortion and childcare.
Today, we pray for women in developing nations, that they may know the power of self-determination. May they have access to employment, education, birth control and abortion.
Today we pray for the families who have chosen. May they know the blessing of choice.
Iowa Democrat candidates for governor, Jack Hatch and Tyler Olson, participated in the prayer.
In April, President Obama, in attendance at the annual Planned Parenthood gala, told the abortion industry, “You’ve also got a president who is going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way.”
At the conclusion of his speech, Obama said to the crowd of Planned Parenthood supporters, “Thank you. God bless you.”
Photo source: The Iowa Republican/YouTube


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Good Ol' Freda

Beatles’ secretary Freda Kelly finally breaks her silence: 

Published August 28, 2013

When Freda Kelly, just a shy Liverpool teen, signed on to work for a local band with big dreams she had no idea she would soon hold the most coveted secretarial position in the world. While history observes that the Beatles were together for 10 years, Kelly served them for 11 – managing the Fab Four’s fan club and handling tasks even after they broke up in 1970. As more than just an employee, Kelly had a front-row seat through Beatlemania, the rise to stardom, and the ups and downs of one of the greatest bands in history.
But it is only now, more than five decades since manager Brian Epstein brought her into the fold as a mild-mannered, sweet and smiling secretary that “Good ol’ Freda” – as she was affectionately referred to by Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr – has broken her silence about life as the Beatles’ go-to girl.
“Over the last 50 years, Freda has had many offers to tell her story, but this is the first time she has agreed. With the birth of her only grandson, Freda realized the importance of passing on the testimony of her life’s work,” director Ryan White, a family friend to Kelly, told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Going on record was a big leap of faith for her. By nature, Freda is a very private person.”
A film, titled “Good ol’ Freda,” was financed through crowd funding site Kickstarter, which raised almost $60,000 from 660 backers. McCartney even gave his blessing to the project, approving the licensing of four original Beatles songs – something that seldom happens in film – and audiences are able to visually feast on never-before-seen photographs.
Kelly basically gave away all her memorabilia (likely worth millions now) to desperate and devastated fans in 1974. She went above and beyond during her time to ensure that fans were given the real deal. That involved sneaking threads from McCartney’s shirts, arranging for hair snippets and making sure Starr really did sleep on a pillowcase before returning it to an overjoyed fan – but apparently she drew the line at fulfilling requests to send along fingernail clippings. So intent on being honest, the secretary once let go of a whole crew of assistants who were exposed for trying to pass off a girl’s hair for that of a Beatle.
And while Kelly admits she doesn’t have a favorite Beatle – one week she was in love with Lennon and the next she was closest to McCartney – she developed a particularly deep connection to Starr’s family.
“We filmed in Freda’s living room for weeks and then we went back to locations where a lot of these things happened. A lot came out when we went to Ringo’s childhood home. She took care of his parents as if they were her own,” the director continued. “She talked about everything from the first time she and Ringo’s mom went to find her a wedding dress, and what it was like the first time they saw a lava lamp.”
And as candid as Kelly became throughout the filming process, there was still one topic in particular that was off-limits.
“I asked if she dated any of the Beatles,” White said. “And she stared me down in her charming way.”
Kelly does, however, confess to zipping her lips about such things as Lennon’s wandering eyes while married to college sweetheart, Cynthia Powell. Yet she had no qualms about putting the boys’ in their place when the occasion called for it.
“Freda is never going to toot her own horn, she will say she was in the right place at the right time,” White said. “But no other person could do that job the way she did it.”
But despite her Pandora’s Box of memories and madness, Kelly remains fearlessly loyal to the band that paid her way for over a decade, and isn’t interested in her own 15 minutes of fame – she never sold her stories, or wrote a tell-all book or even granted interview documenting her experiences.  Still a secretary to this day at a mental health law firm in Liverpool, even her closest co-workers, friends and family had no idea about her interesting work history.
“Freda is baffled about why people care so much about a secretary,” White added. “Her daughter came up to me after a screening and said 95 percent of what her mother told were things she hadn’t even heard before.”

“Good ol’ Freda” opens in select theaters and will be available on Video-On-Demand September 13.

This study was just released and directly contradicts what we have been hearing about the U.S. death rate and gun ownership.



by AWR HAWKINS  28 Aug 2013,

A Harvard Study titled "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?" looks at figures for "intentional deaths" throughout continental Europe and juxtaposes them with the U.S. to show that more gun control does not necessarily lead to lower death rates or violent crime.
Because the findings so clearly demonstrate that more gun laws may in fact increase death rates, the study says that "the mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns, therefore, mean fewer deaths" is wrong.

For example, when the study shows numbers for Eastern European gun ownership and corresponding murder rates, it is readily apparent that less guns to do not mean less death. In Russia, where the rate of gun ownership is 4,000 per 100,000 inhabitants, the murder rate was 20.52 per 100,000 in 2002. That same year in Finland, where the rater of gun ownership is exceedingly higher--39,000 per 100,000--the murder rate was almost nill, at 1.98 per 100,000.

Looking at Western Europe, the study shows that Norway "has far and away Western Europe's highest household gun ownership rate (32%), but also its lowest murder rate."

And when the study focuses on intentional deaths by looking at the U.S. vs Continental Europe, the findings are no less revealing. The U.S., which is so often labeled as the most violent nation in the world by gun control proponents, comes in 7th--behind Russia, Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania, Belarus, and the Ukraine--in murders. America also only ranks 22nd in suicides.

The murder rate in Russia, where handguns are banned, is 30.6; the rate in the U.S. is 7.8.
The authors of the study conclude that the burden of proof rests on those who claim more guns equal more death and violent crime; such proponents should "at the very least [be able] to show a large number of nations with more guns have more death and that nations that impose stringent gun controls have achieved substantial reductions in criminal violence (or suicide)." But after intense study the authors conclude "those correlations are not observed when a large number of nations are compared around the world."
In fact, the numbers presented in the Harvard study support the contention that among the nations studied, those with more gun control tend toward higher death rates.



by AWR HAWKINS 5 Aug 2013
In a real life demonstration of scholar John Lott's maxim "more guns, less crime," violent crime has dropped in Virginia as gun ownership has increased.

According to a Fox News report, firearms sales in Virginia were 16 percent higher in 2012 over 2011 and violent crime went down by 5 percent.

Perhaps the significance of this is best seen in the raw numbers: In 2012 licensed gun dealers sold 490,119 guns in their state, while the number of violent crimes for the same time period was 4,378.

Virginia Commonwealth University assistant professor Thomas R. Baker commented on the numbers: "This appears to be additional evidence that more guns don't necessarily lead to more crime."

Baker referred to this as "an interesting trend given the current rhetoric about strengthening our gun laws and the presumed effect it would have on violent crime." And although he stressed that this increase in gun ownership and the corresponding decrease in violent crime do not necessarily prove people ought to reject future gun control laws, he said that the drop in violent crime "really makes you question if making it harder for law-abiding people to buy guns would have any effect on crime."

Virginia law allows citizens with a concealed-carry permit to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense, and carrying a firearm in plain sight, "open carry," is also legal in Virginia, "except where prohibited by statute."

If Soy Sauce is outlawed, only outlaws will have Soy Sauce!
I, for one, believe in the Constitution of these here United States of 'merica and I believe that our forefathers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote:

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports of said "Soy Sauce", except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

And further:

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, the Sauce of  the Soy, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

While, I admit, that Soy Sauce is occasionally used for destructive purposes and often with catastrophic results, and while I empathize with those who have been damaged by Soy Sauce, I reject the notion that we as a nation would be better off without Soy Sauce.
Those who wish to cause damage with Soy Sauce will continue to do so regardless of any law restricting Soy Sauce.
Time and time again this has been shown to be true.
According to the latest FBI statistics on "Soy Sauce related injuries and fatalities" released in 2009, 88% of the Soy based attacks in that year were with illegally obtained Soy Sauce or Soy Sauce obtained thru non-traditional sources, i.e., thru the use of 3rd party instruments or thru what has been called the Dim Sum Loophole, whereas those wishing to obtain Soy Sauce quickly and with the least amount of processing or paperwork do so thru some sort Eastern Food Festival or Chinese New Year Celebrations.
These Dim Sum Loopholes will not magically be closed simply because our government bans or restricts Soy Sauce.  On the contrary, I believe these loopholes will be used more often and with more disastrous results.

Call your local congress person to clearly state your opposition to any new law banning or restricting legal, law abiding 'mericans from peacefully procuring and using Soy Sauce.

Thank you!

Americans for Soy Sauce.


Woman arrested after restaurant guests covered in soy sauce

Monday, August 26, 2013 by:Lynsi Burton

Police arrested a 52-year-old woman Saturday after she reportedly doused International District restaurant patrons in soy sauce and chocolate milk.

Officers were called about 1 p.m. to the Dim Sum King at Sixth Avenue and Jackson Street after the woman entered the restaurant, told guests to “go back to China” and flipped over customers’ plates, according to Seattle police reports.

She also allegedly spit on a man and covered him and his baby with soy sauce.

Police arrived at the restaurant to find several people standing outside, covered in food, reports say.

The woman slapped an officer trying to contact her in the arm.

Police arrested and booked her for investigation of harassment and assault of an officer.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Holy S@#t!  This guy is just plain awesome.
Watch his technique. He makes all of it look smooth and easy.

Monday, August 26, 2013

These are just too dang funny not to post.

Actors Against Acting Athletes.

With actor Gary Oldman.

Salman Rushdie was sentenced to die for offending Muslims, in 1989.

The Satanic Verses controversy

From Wikipedia:

The Satanic Verses controversy, also known as the Rushdie Affair, was the heated and frequently violent reaction of some Muslims to the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses, which was first published in the United Kingdom in 1988. Many Muslims accused Rushdie of blasphemy or unbelief and in 1989 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran issued a fatwā ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie. Numerous killings, attempted killings, and bombings resulted from Muslim anger over the novel.[1]
The Iranian government backed the fatwā against Rushdie until 1998, when the succeeding government of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami said it no longer supported the killing of Rushdie.[2]
The issue was said to have divided "Muslim from Westerners along the fault line of culture,"[3][4] and to have pitted a core Western value of freedom of expression—that no one "should be killed, or face a serious threat of being killed, for what they say or write"[5]—against the view of many Muslims—that no one should be free to "insult and malign Muslims" by disparaging the "honour of the Prophet" Muhammad.[6] English writer Hanif Kureishi called the fatwā "one of the most significant events in postwar literary history."[7]

The Revival of Slavery After 1983

Slavery is found today in many parts of the world, including Mauritania, Pakistan, India, Burma, and Saudi Arabia. But Sudan is the only place where chattel slavery is not just surviving but experiencing a great revival. This renascence of the slave trade began in the mid-1980s and resulted directly from an upsurge of Islamism in Sudan at that time, and especially from the Islamist emphasis on the renewal of jihad. After gaining the upper-hand in Khartoum by about 1983, the Islamists' immediate goal was to transform the multi-ethnic, multi-religious population of Sudan into an Arab-dominated Muslim state, and to do so through jihad. Under Turabi's powerful influence, the ruler of the time, Ja‘far an-Numayri, declared himself to be (sounding like a caliph of old), the "rightly guided" leader of an Islamic state. Numayri then abrogated the autonomy agreement he had earlier reached with southern Sudan and imposed the Shari‘a on the whole country. Armed resistance to these changes also began in 1983 with the formation of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) under the leadership of Colonel John Garang.


I realize that I risk being branded as some sort of right wing racist/lunatic.
That's normally what happens when anyone is critical of any particular minority group whether it be African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, etc.

I don't really care about that.

It's a very simple thing for you to look up and  verify or debunk things that I say on this blog if they're not true.
I'm always surprised when people don't do that.
You say or quote something they don't like and rather than challenging you with facts, they launch some sort of ad hominem attack.
In the mainstream American press it usually works like this:
If you are critical of a special group, you will very quickly be sidelined by the majority in the press who will call you A. dumb  B.  racist  C.  both.

It happens all the time.
One of my favorite comedians is Adam Carolla.
He has a long history in comedy from his radio days, to Crank Yankers, to The Man Show, etc.
His podcast is
A. Hilarious
B.  The most downloaded podcast in history.
In the past year or so, he has become a frequent guest on Fox News, specifically The Factor with Bill O'Reilly.
I've seen him on that program several times and, in my view point at least, didn't hear anything particularly controversial.
But over the past year he has been increasingly introduced in published articles as, Conservative Comedian, or even more common, Right Wing Comedian.
As he is happy to say himself, the views I hold and the things I say are the same as they were years ago.
You could find clips of me expressing the exact same views on other programs or on this podcast over and over.
The only difference is my appearances on the Fox network.
So now, according to these writers, I am a right winger, and they can dismiss everything I say.

It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous.

There has been a dramatic increase in sexual assaults in Sweden over the past few years.
Sweden is now the rape capitol of Europe.
Only South Africa has more rapes.
Many of these assaults are gang rapes, and if that weren't horrible enough, many of the victims are below age 18.   (I'm not sure why that seems more horrible than any other woman being attacked but it does. )
And yet the government refuses to acknowledge that these assaults are the direct results of their weak stance on immigration.
The government keeps track of who is responsible for crimes in Sweden but refuses to release that information for fear offending.
A private group that studied official police records concluded that 85% of these attacks were committed by men from the middle east, northern Africa, or Asia.
In short, the one thing the perpetrators had in common was that they were almost universally Muslim.
And yet nothing is happening to prevent these attacks from happening.
A recent article in Sweden was critical of police for even arresting and charging 2 young men who were responsible for attack because they were 15, and therefore too young to bear any responsibility for their criminal behaviour at all.
Another article attributed the increase in rapes as nothing more than an example of how empowered Swedish women are, in that they felt more comfortable in reporting sexual assaults than women in other countries and thus, there were more rapes on record.

I'm not sure how you fight this sort of denial and stupidity.
If you want to fix a problem you must first admit you have one.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I heart Drive Nacho Drive so very, very much.

This an excerpt from a recent adventure/post in which they unwittingly start an international rescue mission when the S.O.S. button is accidentally pushed on their GPS.


When we passed the pineapple man on our way back he was chatting with a tiny dirty man with a backpack. The pineapple man waved at us and then said something to the tiny man and pointed our way. The tiny man grinned a big toothy grin and then trotted over and began walking with us.

“Mugugullubub boggily rai chap moo gulai!” the man said. I noticed that his eyes were a little glazed over.

I spoke clearly and slowly in hopes that it would help the man understand my language, which he clearly didn’t speak. “We do not speak Lao. We speak English. I do not understand what you are saying.”

“Grubai! Ha! Wulai buggarudai cruap gai!” No,language barrier would stand in this man’s way.

“I am sorry,” I continued, even more slowly than the first time, “I do not understand the words that are coming out of your mouth.”

“Ha! Willynu rug moo kwai bloo roomai!” He spoke quickly with grand gestures of hand and body as if retelling a very exciting story. He continued on for what seemed like ages, occasionally glancing my way for a reaction, to which I would respond with droopy eyebrows, or a smile, or with raised eyebrows depending on the reaction that I guessed his story warranted based on his facial expression. Occasionally I interrupted him mid-sentence.

“Sir!” I would interject, “I have no idea what you’re saying!”

The tiny man didn’t care. Whatever he was on prohibited him from realizing that the words coming out of my mouth were of a different language than the words coming from his, so he filled the minutes with nonstop jibber jabber. I decided the man just needed someone to talk to, so I joined the game.

“Kuan ton prai muglai ekkamai loo boo crap-”

“Wait a minute! Did you say airplane? I thought you might have said-”

“Doo da bai kumai-”

“Excuse me, but your airplane story reminded me of a story of my own. Do you know how these bamboo trees came to be here? Well let me tell you sir, and please make yourself comfortable, for my tale is a long one. The length of my story will indeed remind you of times in your life when you wished that things had gone differently. Like the time-”

“Gooba dai prai-”

“Tanning leather? Well why didn’t you just say so! The first step to tanning leather is to obtain a hide. Now this is the tricky part, for animals with suitable hides for tanning are often quite mean and hard to kill…”

The kilometers ticked by in this manner—him speaking in gibberish, and me interrupting him to tell my own meandering made up stories—until we reached the village of the children, at which time the tiny stoned man got distracted and stopped walking long enough for us to make our escape. A half an hour later he passed us by on the back of someone’s motor scooter. As he passed he tried finishing his story.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

I flew to Amsterdam to see The Black Crowes back in 2011.
It was billed as the last tour ever.  And I bought tickets and flew all the way around the world to catch the last night of the last tour at The Paradiso.
I've seen them twice this year.

It was worth it.

Everyone else is doing it, why can't I!?!

Yours truly, El Pinche Pirata del Fuego, has changed the name of his Twitter account!

The Art of Awesome @elpinchepirata is up and running!

I should stipulate, I can't "teach" you to be awesome, I can only lead by example and hope that you find a little "awesome" for yourself.

.....not until you can snatch the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper.

These women want to show their solidarity and
support for Muslim women.
This Swedish woman was gang raped by Muslims.

Quote from Feminist ‘Hijab Solidarity’?

August 23, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Sitting at my computer and looking over all the pictures of Swedish women in headscarves, I pondered, more bemused than ever, the eternal question: what is it in the Swedish character that makes such foolishness possible? The zillions of photos of stupid, self-satisfied infidel women in veils symbolizing female subordination were ridiculous, deserving of mockery, of derisive laughter. But they were also scary. Seeing brainwashed people is always scary. “What’s wrong with these people?” I said aloud as I pored over the screwy selfies. “Whatever it is,” my partner said, “it should be in the DSM.”

Even as all this nonsense was underway, Sweden, which has the world’s second highest rape statistics – thanks to nothing more or less than the army of savage Muslim men within its borders who have no respect or mercy whatsoever for unveiled infidel women – was inexorably moving up toward the title of world’s #1 rape nation. And there was no sign of anyone doing anything whatsoever about it.

Entire story Here:

Friday, August 23, 2013

This story really interests me as I just had a bit of debate over whose rights trump whose when it comes to gay marriage and religion.
I support gay marriage.  I love the gays.  Great people.
Some of you will be surprised to know that it was former Atlanta talk show host Neal Boortz that convinced me that gay marriage should be legalized.
His argument was pretty simple:  give me one reason, that does not relate to religion, that gay and lesbian peoples shouldn't be allowed to marry.
I couldn't come up with any reasons that didn't involve religion and since we do not live in a theocracy it made sense to legalize gay marriage.
I have held that belief for the past 10 or 15 years but recently had an interesting theoretical question that has given me pause to think.
That question is this:
Suppose gay marriage is legalized in the U.S., and I suspect it will be soon.
And suppose I am a member of a small religious congregation that believes that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
We don't want to hurt anyone, we welcome anyone to our church, but we only perform marriage ceremonies for "traditional" couples.
If this were the case, would the courts and ultimately law enforcement, force my congregation to perform gay wedding ceremonies, or would I have the freedom to practice my religion without impediment?

Like I said up top:  whose right trumps whose?
This groups right to marry or that groups right to freely practice their religion?

I don't have a good answer other than to say that I would legalize gay marriage and stipulate that religions could choose to honor or not, so long as gay and lesbian couples could go to another church or go to the courthouse to legally wed.

NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal


The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that, by refusing to photograph a gay wedding, a photography studio violated the New Mexico Human Rights Act (NMHRA).
The court found that Elane Photography’s refusal to serve Vanessa Willock violated the act, which “prohibits a public accommodation from refusing to offer its services to a person based on that person’s sexual orientation,” according to the ruling.
Justice Richard C. Bosson, writing in concurrence, said that the case “provokes reflection on what this nation is all about, its promise of fairness, liberty, equality of opportunity, and justice.” In addition, the case “teaches that at some point in our lives all of us must compromise, if only a little, to accommodate the contrasting values of others. A multicultural, pluralistic society, one of our nation’s strengths, demands no less.”
The owners of Elane Photography, Jonathan and Elaine Huguenin, “are free to think, to say, to believe, as they wish” Bosson wrote. Nevertheless, in the “world of the marketplace, of commerce, of public accommodation, the Huguenins have to channel their conduct, not their beliefs, so as to leave space for other Americans who believe something different.”
Doing so, Bosson said, is “the price of citizenship.”
The ruling affirms a grant of summary judgment for Willock against Elane Photography by New Mexico’s Second Judicial District Court and holds that Elane Photography’s free speech rights were not violated. The case was first decided by the New Mexico Human Rights Council, which ordered Elane Photography to pay Willock $6,637.94 in attorneys fees and costs. Elane Photography appealed to the Second Judicial District Court based on the court’s original and appellate jurisdiction.

I love it!

A former Bank of America building has been turned into a small home in Tomales, CA.

When Bert Crews was looking for a home in the tiny frontier-style town of Tomales, California, it just happened to be the moment when Bank of America was selling their 19th century brick and mortar building. Crews, a native of Texas, was used to converting wherehouse-type buildings into loft homes and so within 24 hours he had bought the old branch.

He needed a bit of help for drilling through the concrete to put in the plumbing, but he put in his own “galley-style” kitchen with a mini fridge, half-sized dishwasher and small stove/oven unit. He uses the vault as storage for his art supplies and athletic gear and he left the wooden teller windows in place, surrounding them minimal furniture (table and chairs, couch and grand piano).

The home hasn’t lost the feel of a historic bank and in 2000, Barry Levinson used his home as a set for the movie “Bandits” with Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton and Cate Blanchett.

For Crews, the inconvenience of the additional noise of downtown living- he’s sandwiched between a bar and a hotel- are outweighed by the benefits, especially for an artist (i.e. he can play his instruments late at night).

I have no love for Bank of America.
During the dark ages when I was married, our home mortgage was thru B of A.
They routinely misreported information, patently refused to correct their mistakes, and generally treated us as 2nd class citizens.
Glad that someone is making good off of them.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

In an interview with ABC News, school bookkeeper Antoinette Tuff, who helped talk down a young man who entered a Georgia elementary school with an AK-47 intent on ending his own life as well as the lives of children in school that day, said that she started praying for him.
When the journalist who was interviewing her called her heroic Mrs. Tuff said, "I give it all to God, I was terrified."

I thought we had a separation of church and state in this country?
How is this woman allowed to bring her antiquated mysticism into our Georgia public schools?
A woman who openly speaks of a God, as if he is real?
She gives this imaginary puff of nothing a name and gives him credit for helping to end a potential massacre!?!
What a nincompoop!
This type of dim witted idiot only enforces the stereotype of southerners as spooksters and pagans.
I hope someone in a position of authority will see this video and fire her immediately.
We cannot have this type of idolatry ruining another generation of young minds.

Irregardless of the inconsistencies of the mainstream press, this lady is awesome.
She stared a crazy man down - a crazy man with an AK-47 who wanted to die and take many people with him.
She talked him down and because of her no one died.
Someone should get a big raise.
To whom or to whatever she gives credit, she showed remarkable courage and calmness.

Big hugs, lady.

(I know "irregardless" is not a word.)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Who's fooling who?
You know my politics by now.

This one for my environmentalist friends.

(Told ya'.)


21 Aug 2013,

The United Nations, ever eager to embrace global warming, has a new climate report to be released that claims scientists are more certain than ever that global warming is real, but now there is hard evidence that global surface temperatures have stabilized over the last 15 years according to the U.K.’s weather-watching Met Office.

In June, David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation wrote, "The absence of any significant change in the global annual average temperature over the past 16 years has become one of the most discussed topics in climate science. It has certainly focused the debate about the relative importance of greenhouse gas forcing of the climate versus natural variability."

Of course, climate change advocates are trying their best to offer an explanation for the lack of global warming; a draft of the AR5 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is due to be published in Oct. 2014, tries its best to address the situation.

As Reuters environment correspondent Alister Doyle cited from the report:
Scientists believe causes could include: greater-than-expected quantities of ash from volcanoes, which dims sunlight; a decline in heat from the sun during a current 11-year solar cycle; more heat being absorbed by the deep oceans; or the possibility that the climate may be less sensitive than expected to a build-up of carbon dioxide.

The draft hedges its bets, stating that it has “medium confidence: that the global warming halt is due “in roughly equal measure” to the aforementioned factors.

The U.N. hurriedly tried to hedge its bets, too, saying of the draft:

The text is likely to change in response to comments from governments received in recent weeks and will also be considered by governments and scientists at a four-day approval session at the end of September. It is therefore premature and could be misleading to attempt to draw conclusions from it.

But just as the report stated that 95% of scientists believe that man’s actions cause global warming, climate change advocates quickly reasserted their belief in their omniscience; climate scientist Michael Mann wrote, “The report is simply an exclamation mark on what we already knew: Climate change is real and it continues unabated, the primary cause is fossil fuel burning, and if we don’t do something to reduce carbon emissions we can expect far more dangerous and potentially irreversible impacts on us.”

I'm going to go ahead and risk delving further into the murky underbelly of the right wing and post this story.

Michelle Malkin makes some very valid points in her article about the illegal alien who murdered a college freshman who attempted to help him.


19 y.o. college student Vanessa Pham.

Written By : Michelle Malkin
August 14, 2013

Why is gun control the only policy we’re allowed to discuss when horrific murders occur? In the liberal mindset, “root causes” of crime begin and end with the Second Amendment. But who pays the price when our public guardians fail to secure our borders, refuse to deport serial criminal offenders, and enable drug-crazed menaces to prey upon innocent citizens?

Meet 27-year-old Julio Miguel Blanco-Garcia. An illegal alien from Guatemala, he has lived and worked in Fairfax County, Va., for at least 11 years. The region is a notorious “sanctuary” for immigration law-breakers where elected officials and big business look the other way for cheap labor and cheap votes.

When he wasn’t working illegally as a construction worker in the government-fueled Boomtown ‘burb or getting himself high on drugs, Blanco-Garcia was building up a lengthy rap sheet. According to Fairfax County court records cited by the Fairfax City, Blanco-Garcia has been arrested for:

–Public swearing/intoxication in March 2010.
–Petit larceny in September 2011.
–Concealment/Price alteration of merchandise in April 2012.

With the feds granting blanket amnesty waivers by administrative fiat and refusing to fix the deportation abyss, coupled with brazen “don’t ask, don’t tell” sanctuary policies by local officials, Blanco-Garcia managed to escape detention and deportation for more than a decade. In December 2012, the Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force (which includes U.S. Marshals staff, Fairfax County police, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and D.C. fugitive operations officers) finally caught up with Blanco-Garcia. They detained him after determining “that he was in violation of U.S. immigration law.”

But it was too late for 19-year-old college freshman Vanessa Pham. In July 2010, the bubbly art student’s decision to be a Good Samaritan to open-borders beneficiary Blanco-Garcia cost her life. After getting her nails done at a Fairfax Plaza salon, she encountered the illegal alien and his infant daughter in the parking lot. Blanco-Garcia was strung out on $400 worth of PCP.

According to prosecutors, he asked Pham to take him to the hospital. She let the man and his baby into her car. When Pham took a wrong turn, Blanco-Garcia turned on her — stabbing her more than a dozen times with a knife he was carrying. She veered into a ditch; he coldly wiped her blood off of his hands with a baby wipe and clambered out of the sunroof with the child.

Cops found the blade of the murder weapon, with the killer’s DNA, under Pham’s seat. But for nearly three years, her friends and family agonized as the DNA remained unidentified and the case unsolved. The investigative break? Illegal alien Blanco-Garcia continued his criminal havoc — surprise, surprise — and attempted to steal several bottles of champagne from a local grocery tore. He was convicted of larceny in April 2012. By December, law enforcement had tied his fingerprints to Pham’s murder. Blanco-Garcia’s trial begins next week.

True to form, the whitewash media have ignored Blanco-Garcia’s immigration status and the public policy implications of our government’s systemic, bipartisan refusal to enforce the laws already on the books. The Washington Post (which employed illegal alien reporter turned amnesty activist Jose Antonio Vargas for years and glorified the amnesty mob marches in 2006 and 2007) conveniently failed to mention Blanco-Garcia’s illegal alien status. Some crimes are more equal than others.

According to immigration activists pushing to grant Guatemala “temporary protected status” — a de facto amnesty program run by the Department of Homeland Security that confers permanent residency, taxpayer subsidies and preferential employment treatment to line-jumpers, border-crossers and visa overstayers — there are approximately 1.7 million Guatemalans in the U.S. A whopping 60 percent of them, like Blanco-Garcia, are here illegally.

That’s on top of the jaw-dropping backlog of 500,000-plus fugitive deportees who had their day in immigration court, were ordered to leave the country and then were released and absconded into the ether.

And that’s on top of 1 million-plus visa holders whom the feds have lost track of because Congress never bothered to fulfill its legislative mandate to create a functioning entry-exit system — something Washington has promised to do six times over the past 17 years.

The horrific murder of Vanessa Pham was 100 percent preventable. Blanco-Garcia never should have been here in the first place. After each encounter with law enforcement, he should have been detained, deported and kept out. For good.

I repeat: We spend billions of dollars on homeland security, but our government can’t even track and deport repeat convicted criminal aliens. These are not the well-meaning “newcomers” who just want to “pursue economic opportunities” by “doing the jobs no one else will do.” These are foreign-born thugs, druggies, sex offenders, murderers and repeat drunk drivers who are destroying the American Dream.

If our immigration and entrance system cannot effectively monitor, detain and kick out known American Destroyers, how can amnesty-peddling politicians in either party be trusted to provide for the common defense of law-abiding citizens pursuing the American Dream?

Vanessa's murderer Julio Miguel Blanco-Garcia.

Michelle Malkin is the author of “Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies” (Regnery 2010). Her e-mail address is

From Breitbart:

By Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper

As of Tuesday, it became official – the Obama administration is holding no one responsible for what happened during the deadly attacks on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Last fall it was only a matter of days after four Americans were killed in Benghazi before evidence appeared indicating that State Department officials paid insufficient attention to requests from diplomats and security personnel in Libya, desperately asking for additional security.

Around that time then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put four State Department officials on administrative leave. Those four were invited back to work Tuesday, after Secretary of State John Kerry decided that they do not deserve any formal disciplinary action.

A State Department official told CNN that there was no breach of duty for these officials, and that they are not returning to their previous posts

What's notable about the move is that those decisions to not provide additional security personnel and assets in Libya, is one of the only parts of the Benghazi scandal that Obama administration officials will acknowledge was a real problem.

You can go back and forth on talking points, and whether U.S. military assets were in position to rescue the Americans being attacked in Benghazi. But the continual denials throughout 2011 and 2012 of additional security for Ambassador Chris Stevens and the others there – that part of Benghazi no one with any real knowledge or perspective on the tragedy can refute.

How bad was it? Recall the testimony of the former regional security officer in Libya, Eric Nordstrom, who left his post less than two months before the attack, describing how State Department officials continually shot down his requests for additional security.

"You know what makes most frustrating about this assignment? It is not the hardships, it is not the gunfire, it is not the threats. It is dealing and fighting against the people, programs and personnel who are supposed to be supporting me ... For me the Taliban is on the inside of the building," Nordstrom testified last October.

That's the regional security officer in Libya describing State Department officials as the Taliban.

The independent review of what happened in Benghazi noted that security was "grossly inadequate," and faulted "systemic failures, and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels," though it was not established that anyone "breached his or her duty."

21 Aug 2013, 8:46 AM PDT  10  post a comment

I feel terrible that this elderly couple had to endure being held hostage by an escaped convict in their own home.  And, I hate that they will have to live with the memory of a man dying violently in that home but thank goodness they had a gun to defend themselves.
There are an awful lot of people who would have taken that gun out of their home for "the greater good" and left them defenseless (and quite possibly dead).

From Breitbart:

Authorities in Bedford, Iowa report that an escaped inmate accused of killing a sheriff's deputy has been shot and killed by a homeowner after breaking into the homeowner's house.
The Associated Press reports Rodney Long broke into the farm home of an elderly couple named Jerome and Carolyn Mauderly around 10:15 PM on August 19.
Once inside the home, Long cut the phone lines and occupied the dwelling for about four hours. He used the homeowners' cell phone to make calls before being shot dead when 71-year old Mauderly was able to retrieve his shotgun.
Mrs. Mauderly called 911 at 2:11 AM to say her husband had shot an intruder. Police arrived to find Long face down on the kitchen floor.
Long escaped from prison in Clarinda, Iowa on August 16, shot and wounded a sheriff's deputy on August 18, and died on the night of August 19.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins.

This is pretty cool stuff even it means a big cut in my industry.
Window manufacturers have been trying for years to develop affordable polychromatic glass that would allow you to adjust the amount of light passing thru your windows.
Looks like the folks at Berkeley Labs may have a found a way to do it.


Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have designed a breakthrough new material that could lead to smart windows where people could control the amount of light and heat (both together or separately) that gets through. This new technology could make homes and businesses much more energy efficient.

Berkeley Lab reports, "The material is a thin coating of nanocrystals embedded in glass that can dynamically modify sunlight as it passes through a window. Unlike existing technologies, the coating provides selective control over visible light and heat-producing near-infrared (NIR) light, so windows can maximize both energy savings and occupant comfort in a wide range of climates."

“In the US, we spend about a quarter of our total energy on lighting, heating and cooling our buildings,” says Delia Milliron, a chemist at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry who led this research. “When used as a window coating, our new material can have a major impact on building energy efficiency.”

Because this new technology can block both NIR light and visible light, occupants would have the ability to customize their climate depending on whether they wanted more or less visible light and more or less heat. People could customize the window settings depending on climate, time of year or even time of day to maximize energy efficiency.

The technology is made of an electrochromic material composed of nanocrystals of indium tin oxide embedded in a glassy matrix of niobium oxide. The researchers found that the composite material not only could control both NIR light and visible light, but that there was "a synergistic interaction in the tiny region where glassy matrix meets nanocrystal that increases the potency of the electrochromic effect," which means that thinner coatings of the material could pack just as much punch.

Check out the video below to hear more about this great breakthrough.

Drunk History

If you haven't seen Comedy Central's new show, Drunk History, you must tune in.

From the CC website:
Drunk History is a weekly, half-hour series where historical reenactments by A-list talent are presented by inebriated storytellers. Based on the award-winning and wildly popular web series, the show follows the drunken and often incoherent narration of our nation's history. Host Derek Waters, along with an ever-changing cast of great actors and comedians, travels from town to town across the country, presenting the rich history that every city in this land, both great and small, has to offer. Booze helps bring out the truth of our nation's history. It's just that sometimes that truth involves hitting on airport bar janitors or eating cheese fries at 4 a.m.

Put it on your schedule - Tuesdays at 10/9 Central.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hank bought a bus

I've mentioned before my big love for tiny houses and their design and construction.
My time spent working on the great McMansions of north Fulton County filled me with a sense of wonder that people would spend so much money on such "vacant" spaces.
I am a capitalist and I make no apologies for that and, as such, I believe people should be allowed to buy whatever they want (you know what I mean - don't be a picker-aparter) but I found those homes so poorly designed and so poorly built that it felt like the housing equivalent of eating fast food 7 days a week.
Yeah, I'm not hungry but I don't really feel so good either.

The houses I found in the intown neighborhoods of Virginia Highlands and surrounding areas did it for me.
Having already stood the test of time, their small size and nifty features always intrigued me.
Whether it was the obvious nature of the summer sleeping porch for those hot days before AC or the clawfoot tubs and pocket doors.
Not to mention my love for all the beautiful trim and the prairie style windows or stained glass fixtures and such.

And so, my love for the tiny house continues.
Small, affordable, ergonomically correct, and with enough design panache to hold your interest.
Nothing that isn't necessary is here but the things that are here are well thought out and properly executed.
I like that.

One of the tiny house sites I follow is Tiny House Design and today they had this story about Hank:

Hank and friends are driving the bus cross country to see how it works in everyday, living type situations.
Go here:


Hank bought a bus and converted it into a tiny house. He started the project in architecture school and used the bus-to-home transformation as his Masters Final Project. He found the original bus on craigslist for $3,000 and spent another $6,000 on the conversion. It took him about 15 weeks – just in time for his final review.

Inside you’ll see that he’s made it a point to keep the windows clear of obstructions to allow a maximum of natural light to enter the space, and a clear field of view to expand the perceived size of the space.  You may also notice that the plywood furniture is designed in modules that when moved, transform the function of the space. Seating become beds and tables. Beds transform into different sleeping configurations. There’s also a lot of hidden storage tucked into those modules.

Converting the bus was just the start of an exploration that Hank felt he needed to finish. Most college projects typically end when school stops – but not Hank’s bus. He’s now on a month long adventure traveling across the U.S in the bus.  You can follow his journey and see more of the bus at Hank Bought a Bus. Photos and bus by Hank, Justin, and Vince.

'Chan Chan' is widely regarded as the signature tune of the Buena Vista Social Club, this live version features footage from the classic Wim Wenders film.

For more information visit;
Buy the music at
Buy "Chan Chan [Live]" on
Chan Chan

De Alto Cedro voy para Marcané
Luego a Cueto voy para Mayarí

El carino que te tengo
Yo no lo puedo negar
Se me sale la babita
Yo no lo puedo evitar

Cuando Juanica y Chan Chan
En el mar cernian arena
Como sacudia el 'jibe'
A Chan Chan le daba pena

Limpia el camino de pajas
Que yo me quiero sentar
En aquel tronco que veo
Y asi no puedo llegar

De Alto Cedro voy para Marcané
Luego a Cueto voy para Mayarí

Chan Chan

From Alto Cedro I go to Marcané,
Then to Cueto, I go to Mayarí

The love I have for you
I can't deny it
I drool all over
And I can't help it

When Juanica and Chan Chan
Sifted sand in the sea
The way she was shaking the "sieve"*
Was driving Chan Chan mad

Clear the road of straws
'Cause I want to sit down
On this trunk that I see
And I can't arrive there that way

From Alto Cedro I go to Marcané,
Then to Cueto, I go to Mayarí

Dos gardenias

Dos gardenias para ti
Con ellas quiero decir
Te quiero, te adoro, mi vida.
Ponles toda tu atención
Porque son tu corazón y el mío.

Dos gardenias para ti
Que tendrán todo el calor de un beso
De esos besos que te di
Y que jamás encontraras
En el calor de otro querer.

A tu lado vivirán y te hablarán
Como cuando estás conmigo
Y hasta creerás
Que te dirán te quiero

Pero si un atardecer
Las gardenias de mi amor se mueren
Es porque han adivinado
Que tu amor se ha marchitado
Porque existe otro querer

Two gardenias

Two gardenias for you
With them I mean to say
"I love you, I adore you, my love"
Give them all of your attention
Because they represent your heart and mine

Two gardenias for you
They will have the warmth of a kiss
Of one of those kisses I gave you
And that you'll never find
In the warmth of another lover

The flowers will live and will talk to you
Just as when you are with me
And you will believe
That they will actually say "I love you" to you

But if one afternoon
The gardenias of my love die
It's because they have guessed
That your love for me has withered
Because there's another lover