Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Inside Llewyn Davis

 A new Coen Bros. movie!

'Inside Llewyn Davis', is the story of a folk singer ala Bob Dylan who has a cat.

That's pretty much all I know so far, except that it's a Coen Bros. movie and they have a long, rich history of putting awesome on celluloid.

Raising Arizona - Nick Cage before he got all Nick Cage-y.
Barton Fink - an early introduction into the wonderful John Turturro
Miller's Crossing - I still argue this is one of THE finest gangster movies ever made and Gabriel Byrne plays such a perfect S.O.B. it's hard not to love his character for being so completely himself.
Quote from Miller's Crossing from Gabriel Byrne's love interest:
"I never met anybody who made being a son of a bitch such a point of pride."
Plus, more Turturro.
Fargo - between this movie and Laurel Canyon I had such a crush on Frances McDormand.
You didn't see Laurel Canyon!?!
McDormand, Christian Bale, Kate Beckinsale?
Jeez!  Where you been, man?
The Big Lebowski - proof that Hollywood is a collection of gay pot-smokers (nttatwwt) is in the fact that Jeff Bridges did not win the Oscar for his incredible portrayal of "the Dude" or El Dude-irino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Oh Brother Where Art Thou - Clooney did his best acting in this retelling of Homer's Odyssey.
No Country for Old Men - so much better than that effeminate Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood - that movie was so over-hyped.  A two hour study on what a prick some oil tycoon was.  Shocking.
True Grit - Jeff Bridges with an eye patch?  How can you not be in love with this guy!?!
And the girl, Hailee Steinfeld, who played Mattie Ross, was just remarkable.
Plus, a hilarious scene in which Matt Damon spanks the girl for getting out of line.

Also, I found this and wanted to use it.  So there.


1 comment:

  1. Clintonious Martiniovala VFebruary 20, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    Big Lebowski - one of my favs
    Raising Arizona - I watched it just this weekend
    Burn After Reading - I actually like this one a lot
