Sunday, February 10, 2013

I wish that I was such a clever and inventive writer that I had created this in my mind, but alas, no.
It is real.
It really happened.



I know that I risk being put into the slot of "climate denier" but seriously folks, there is caring for the environment and then there is just utter nonsense.
I've said many times before that when I graduated high school (by the skin of my teeth btw) I was quite certain that I would soon die because of:
A.)  The giant hole in the ozone layer that was bound to scorch the earth and render us all to ashes
B.)  Mosquito borne AIDS.

The best and brightest scientists of the day considered both scenarios highly probable.
Turns out all those mean, right wing, conservative haters were right: AIDS, in the U.S. at least, is largely a gay man's disease and if you're not a gay man it's not very likely that you will ever have a problem.
(That is a separate issue than how much funding/importance it should get.)

When was the last time anyone even mentioned the ozone layer?


My point is that very often the scientific community is overshadowed by people with a political bent.
They have a narrative that they want to tell and the facts will not be allowed to get in their way.
Beware the man with a moral imperative:  he truly believes any action is justified in pursuit of those beliefs.
And of course, the more of a "problem" you have, the more money you can get to fix the problem.

Some interesting stories I've seen in the past week or two:

Toxic sludge produced by solar panel manufacturers:

Green power pioneer opposes wind turbines:

Polar Bears - not quite as bad off as previously reported:

I've been looking for some other articles that I seem to have lost.  
It's more of the same.
An actual scientist admits that the effect of carbon dioxide may have been over estimated and the effects of solar flaring underestimated.  Ya' think?

My point is not that we shouldn't be concerned for the environmnet.
I was a Boy Scout.  We always carried more trash out of our campsites than we carried in, leaving the sites in better shape than we arrived.  Always.
But, beware of the people who are telling you how big a problem you have when they are the same people selling you the cure.

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