Thursday, December 26, 2013
My horoscope for this week, compliments of Creative Loafing and Rob Brezny:
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Big rivers don't travel in straight lines. Their paths are curvy and complicated, with periodic turns and bends. In some places they flow faster and in others they're slower. Their depth and width may vary along the way, too. Your own destiny is like one of those big rivers, Cancerian. In some years, it meanders for long stretches, slowing down as it wanders along a crooked course. It may even get shallower and narrower for a while. But I expect that in 2014, you will be moving more rapidly than usual. You will be traveling a more direct route, and you will be both wide and deep.
It seems spot on for how I've been feeling the last few months and even for the past year or so.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
A history lesson for Christmas Eve.
Hope all is well with you and yours this Christmas Season.
I stumbled onto this video over at
A few bull sharks were trapped in a freshwater lake at golf course when flood waters receded.
They seem quite happy and have even had young bull sharks there.
These are not small sharks - they're 8-10 feet long!
And have no problem at all in the fresh water and have been there over a year.
Treehugger also had this doc from the BBC on the great white shark. (below.)
Fantastic stuff.
And included a lot on The Birkenhead Disaster.
A British troop ship, The Birkenhead, was on its way to Port Elizabeth from Cape Town when it struck a hidden reef.
643 people were on board when the ship sank in roughly 20 minutes.
When the captain gave the order to abandon ship he ordered the soldiers to stand fast on the deck so that the women and children could use the 3 life rafts. All of them did.
This was the birth of the "women and children" first tradition of sailing.
And because 600 men went into the water and over 400 died, many taken by great whites, it was here that the great white earned it's fearsome reputation and became nicknamed "the Tommy shark" after the British troops taken that night.
Worth a watch if you've got a couple days off.
The "Birkenhead drill" is mentioned in a poem by Rudyard Kipling.
Everytime I read I Kipling I remember how incredible his work is.
Soldier an' Sailor too
(The Royal Regiment of Marines)AS I was spittin’ into the Ditch aboard o’ the Crocodile,
I seed a man on a man-o’-war got up in the Reg’lars’ style.
’E was scrapin’ the paint from off of ’er plates, an’ I sez to ’im, “’Oo are you?”
Sez ’e, “I’m a Jolly—’Er Majesty’s Jolly—soldier an’ sailor too!”
Now ’is work begins by Gawd knows when, and ’is work is never through;
’E isn’t one o’ the reg’lar Line, nor ’e isn’t one of the crew.
’E’s a kind of a giddy harumfrodite—soldier an’ sailor too!
An’ after I met ’im all over the world, a-doin’ all kinds of things,
Like landin’ ’isself with a Gatlin’ gun to talk to them ’eathen kings;
’E sleeps in an ’ammick instead of a cot, an’ ’e drills with the deck on a slew,
An’ ’e sweats like a Jolly—’Er Majesty’s Jolly—soldier an’ sailor too!
For there isn’t a job on the top o’ the earth the beggar don’t know, nor do—
You can leave ’im at night on a bald man’s ’ead, to paddle ’is own canoe—
’E’s a sort of a bloomin’ cosmopolouse—soldier an’ sailor too.
We’ve fought ’em in trooper, we’ve fought ’em in dock, and drunk with ’em in betweens,
When they called us the seasick scull’ry-maids, an’ we called ’em the Ass Marines;
But, when we was down for a double fatigue, from Woolwich to Bernardmyo,
We sent for the Jollies—’Er Majesty’s Jollies—soldier an’ sailor too!
They think for ’emselves, an’ they steal for ’emselves, and they never ask what’s to do,
But they’re camped an’ fed an’ they’re up an’ fed before our bugle’s blew.
Ho! they ain’t no limpin’ procrastitutes—soldier an’ sailor too.
You may say we are fond of an ’arness-cut, or ’ootin’ in barrick-yards,
Or startin’ a Board School mutiny along o’ the Onion Guards; (1)
But once in a while we can finish in style for the ends of the earth to view,
The same as the Jollies—’Er Majesty’s Jollies—soldier an’ sailor too!
They come of our lot, they was brothers to us; they was beggars we’d met an’ knew;
Yes, barrin’ an inch in the chest an’ the arm, they was doubles o’ me an’ you;
For they weren’t no special chrysanthemums—soldier an’ sailor too!
To take your chance in the thick of a rush, with firing all about,
Is nothing so bad when you’ve cover to ’and, an’ leave an’ likin’ to shout;
But to stand an’ be still to the Birken’ead drill is a damn tough bullet to chew,
An’ they done it, the Jollies—’Er Majesty’s Jollies—soldier an’ sailor too!
Their work was done when it ’adn’t begun; they was younger nor me an’ you;
Their choice it was plain between drownin’ in ’eaps an’ bein’ mopped by the screw,
So they stood an’ was still to the Birken’ead drill, (2) soldier an’ sailor too!
We’re most of us liars, we’re ’arf of us thieves, an’ the rest are as rank as can be,
But once in a while we can finish in style (which I ’ope it won’t ’appen to me).
But it makes you think better o’ you an’ your friends, an’ the work you may ’ave to do,
When you think o’ the sinkin’ Victorier’s (3) Jollies—soldier an’ sailor too!
Now there isn’t no room for to say ye don’t know—they ’ave proved it plain and true—
That whether it’s Widow, or whether it’s ship, Victorier’s work is to do,
An’ they done it, the Jollies—’Er Majesty’s Jollies—soldier an’ sailor too!
(1) Long ago, a battalion of the Guards was sent to Bermuda as a punishment for riotous conduct in barracks.
(2) In 1852 the Birkenhead transport was sunk off Simon’s Bay. The Marines aboard her went down as drawn up on her deck.
(3) Admiral Tryon’s flagship, sunk in a collision in 1893
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
It has returned from Chicago and is once again safely ensconced in "the lattice factory".
Always good to get home from a long trip.
My place was being painted while I was gone so it looked like the holocaust when I got in from the airport.
I immediately had an OCD induced panic attack and paced around in circles for 53 minutes and 37 seconds, trying to figure out whether I should start cleaning, re-hanging all of my photos, putting away my luggage, or just set off the booby-traps I have carefully placed in case of:
A.) Zombie Apocalypse
2.) Alien Attack
L15.) Return of Hellbeast
Eventually, I came to my senses and went for a beer.
All better.
As Thanksgiving Day looms ever present, I thought I would share some random cool things that I've found jumping about on the interwebs.
Hope you all have a good day and hug your people for me!
A very cool narrow house in Japan.
A very cool small wooden home.
ESPN sponsors these short documentaries. Great stuff.
Treasure maps in Paris from Messy Nessy.
Interesting people from Vimeo, posted by Nessy.
I'll add as I find other cool stuff to share.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I've been in Chicago for the last couple weeks working a large project.
Gotta say - I love this town!
Almost everyone I've met here has been really friendly and pleasant to interact with - there was one cabbie that irked me so much that I wadded up a $10 and threw it at his head - but outside of that it's been a great experience.
"The Source of the Trouble" arranged a couple of condos for the month for me and the guys which has been pretty awesome. Staying in a hotel for a month stinks, even when it's a nice one.
Renting a condo lets have a bit more space and you blend in with the locals a little more.
Places we like:
Whole smoked alligator. For Reelz.
I know I've gained 5 pounds eating these little bits of heavenly cakes.
Great dive bar.
Ditto. And right under the stairs to the L.
Love this joint. Like Northside Tavern in Atlanta.
A little more upscale than I normally go for but the bartender was entertaining as hell.
The guys and I had 2 fantastic meals here. Order the bone marrow. Seriously. Incredible.
The Frye Company Chicago Flagship store on North Rush Street.
Turns out that the high price you pay at a store like this is worth it when you also get excellent service and a friendly, helpful staff that will find just what you need.
The Parsons Chicken & Fish El Camino. |
Excellent fried chicken and butter-beans - north of the Mason/Dixon line!!
I met the owner, Patrick, and talked to him about getting another piece. Nice guy and amazing artist. The shop itself is gorgeous too.
If you come to Chicago, the area around Wicker Park is pretty amazing. Wander around; you'll find something.
Monday, November 18, 2013
"I'm livin' for givin' the devil his due"
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Michael the Archangel by Guido Reni, Santa Maria della Concezione, Rome, 1636. |
It seems like a good metaphor for my internal world.
We all have our demons to contend with and the moment you slay one dragon it often seems like another one sneaks up to roast your buttocks.
The good news is that very often that roasting tush is exactly what you need to get you moving and to help you grow beyond whatever current situation you've found yourself in.
Nothing motivates a body to push forward like a giant pain in the ass.
Today is the 8th anniversary of my diagnosis of Clival Chordoma.
November 18th, 2005 Dr. Hill over at Emory University Medical Center gave me the news.
A couple days later when I told a friend's mom about the diagnosis she burst into tears before I could even get the "-oma" in Chordoma all the way out.
It was a trying period in my life made more trying by the divorce I was going through at the same time.
I've been out of town working for the past couple weeks and it's been a good thing to be out of the neighborhood, much as I love it, and to reflect a bit.
And since I had a strange dream about DumDum last night, I might as well start there.
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"Hel-loo, DumDum." |
By the end of the second month, I knew exactly when, where, and how I was going to propose.
(Don't be scared: I was going to wait a year to do so, but that's where my head and heart were at that time.)
But that's not how things turned out and I spent the money set aside for the ring on my Harley and the subsequent trip cross country.
And while the trip truly changed me in ways I might not have predicted, and while I absolutely had the time of my life, it wasn't until I got home and was once again just down the street from her, that I slowly began to realize how angry I still was over that lost relationship.
That was a large part of the reason that Ms.X and I broke up.
I just wasn't done with the grieving and occasional bouts of outright fury.
Ms. X is an absolute angel and deserved much better and it's not hyperbole to say that my very own dog, Mikey, would push me in front of a bus to be close to her.
We all have our own journey and we all make our own deal.
"Ya' buy the ticket, ya' take the ride", as a wise man once said, but sometimes the ticket you buy is not for the ride you get and things get just plain weird.
Last night I had one of those dreams that make you believe in the "out of body experiences" the hippies love to talk about.
In it, I floated down to DumDum's house, still seeking that most basic answer to the question we all have when your heart is broken, "Why couldn't it have been different? Why didn't it work out when I was trying so damn hard?"
And sometimes the answer is so completely unhelpful that you wish you hadn't asked the question in the first place:
That's all there is sometimes and honestly, it's not that different from having cancer.
Why you?
Why not you?
You have to fight to keep in the game whether it's love or literally your life and it wasn't until a good friend gave me a stern "talkin' to" that I realized how immature and selfish I had been this last year as I worked thru my various feelings.
I had been doing a version of "well now I'm not gonna care for anything if that's all I'm gonna get in return".
Not healthy and definitely not fun and sexy and there for a second, I had to consider that I might need to nickname myself DumDum for not catching on sooner.
But the "talking to" helped and I feel as if I'm moving in the right direction again.
There are good things on the horizon and this project I'm finishing now is a part of that.
I looked up at the full moon tonight and thought of all the people I've been fortunate enough to know and love over the years and I'm thankful that I had them with me, if only for a brief moment, and I'm grateful to still be here to write about it.
There are things worth fighting for and you're one of them.
Keep fighting.
I'll see you out there soon friends.
Thank you all for reading along.
The Catholic Prayer to St. Michael approved by the Pope Leo XIII in 1886
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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Luca Giordano's painting of St. Michael the Archangel and the Fallen Angels,Vienna, 1666 |
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Claudio Coello, c. 1660. |
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Contemplating Those Ancient Japanese Masters of Haiku While Remembering a Dream About Taking Communion with My Mother as I Gaze out on a Crisp Fall Day in Atlanta and Eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly Lunchable Under a Dogwood Tree:
I feel there must be some trickery
under those ceremonial kimonos.
After giving you the time, location, the weather, and sometimes the meal of the day,
all in the title,
even I could guess their emotional state
with just 17 syllables.
In what must seem like a lifetime ago to you,
I made a simple request as we gazed up at the moon
from our singular places, in our singular times:
"Take me with you under the moon
and let me run thru your dreams
as you run thru mine".
But the weight of my wanting was too much
and I watched with increasing horror,
that heavy moon sink into the darkest of seas,
never to be heard from again.
And me, from my watery bed,
still looking up saw only the light
and could not know that I was gone.
I could not understand why the sailors crossed themselves
when I approached to ask if they knew you,
had seen you,
would let me follow them back home.
And even now, when time is of no more use to any of us,
I am still gazing thru this carnival glass
seeing only the reflection of what once was
and the wanting moon that keeps me under.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
News from our friends in Croatia tells sad story of marital bliss gone wrong that becomes sweeter with the taste of frosted icing.
From our close associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania comes this story of an unfortunate decision to honor the deceased by dedicating a high school homecoming after him.
And, in a battle where winner is a fairly loosely applied term, "Tanning Mom" gets into a catfight with Porn Star Jenna Jameson at Exxxotica Expo 2013.
(Don't ask questions. You really don't want to know.)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Meet Klaus
Klaus Stortebeker was a 14th century German privateer/pirate. Originally privateers were government approved pirates who only harrassed and stole from their home country's enemies.
It was a way to disrupt commerce and weaken the other guys chance for winning a lengthy war.
Klaus was a fairly good pirate and saw no reason to stop when his country officially asked him to.
They had been happy with his performance when he was focused on the Danes (f@#ing Danes) but when he started screwing with the Hanseatic League, who were the wealthy trading merchants of the area, things got tough.
Eventually, Klaus & Crew were captured and sentenced to death.
Klaus, in an attempt to save some of his crew, made a last minute bargain with his captors.
They would free however many of the men that Klaus's headless body could walk past after the axman did his deed.
He walked past eleven.
More here at Atlas Obscura -
There's even a dramatic reenactment (in German) here. Pretty cool stuff.
There's even Stortebecker poetry!
Klaus Störtebecker is our master
advised by Godeke Michels!
Shoot through the waves like storm, just faster
The Flying Dutchman’s godfather
Gaffer is the ships goblin
Let’s tackle, crew!
Life is bauble!
We are the hell of Helgoland
Our bloody flag is cracking the mast
Rats scurrying on the floor
A skeleton is our guest
On the sail there are strange shadows
The mermaid is swimming in our wake
Laugh, crew!
Life is bauble!
Still ruling is the hell of Helgoland
And when our ship makes its last run
Laugh while like a coffin she goes down
We die an ancient pirate’s way
Today we fight, tomorrow we drown
In green algae and white sand
Land ho, crew, land!
Life is bauble!
Such dies the hell of Helgoland
-Folk song honoring Klaus Stortebeker
Also, Stortebeker is a "nom de guerre" which translates roughly to "one who can down a four litre mug in one gulp".
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Another Vimeo Staff Favorite video selection:
Written & Directed by Philip Sansom
Producer Richard Weager
Cinematography Ross McLennan
Staring Hande Kodja, Tracy Feith & Jeremy Mitchell
A down and out vagabond's luck is dramatically altered when he treads on a piece of glass outside the apartment of an arguing couple. You never know what fate is about to throw your way.
A fortunate occasion gave us the chance to meet the young belgian actress Hande Kodja, a name that sounds like a fairy tale and certainly reveals a bit of her candor. Her studies at the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique led her to star in a new movie called Marieke Marieke, where she plays a 20 year old girl trying to fill the emptiness left by her father’s death by having romantic and destructive affairs with old men…
Marieke Marieke directed by Sophie Shoukens is out today everywhere in France. For Parisians, tonight a special showing (+ discussion on the movie) at Saint André des Arts Cinema in the 6th district.
We met Hande for a little chit chat around cinema…and more! Photo series for Kitsuné Journal byBastien Lattanzio
Photos above : Hande is wearing a Belt Dress Pliss B from our Maison Kitsuné Spring Summer 2012 collection
The last movie you saw at the cinema?
Martha Marcy May Marlène from Sean Durkin
Martha Marcy May Marlène from Sean Durkin
The best movie soundtrack?
All David Lynch‘s movies
All David Lynch‘s movies
A cult movie?
“Brutti, Sporchi e Cattive” (Affreux , Sales et Méchants) ETTORE SCOLA
“Brutti, Sporchi e Cattive” (Affreux , Sales et Méchants) ETTORE SCOLA
A movie scene you would dream of doing?
A cannibal scene
A cannibal scene
One thing you hate to play/act?
Love scene
Love scene
Your best memory on a shoot?
In the water, alone with universe
In the water, alone with universe
One song people should absolutely listen to?
Requiem of Verdi
Requiem of Verdi
Your Paris top 5? (restaurant, bar, things to do…)
Le Shakespeare and Company, magic library in the 5th
La Filmothèque du quartier latin
Le Père Lachaise
Le Fumoir
Musée Rodin
Le Shakespeare and Company, magic library in the 5th
La Filmothèque du quartier latin
Le Père Lachaise
Le Fumoir
Musée Rodin
Super bonus, your Brussels top 5
Le Tram
Le bois de la Cambre
Les Sablons
Musée Magritte
Eating waffles in Waterloo
Le Tram
Le bois de la Cambre
Les Sablons
Musée Magritte
Eating waffles in Waterloo
One thing you miss about Brussels and that you can’t find in Paris?
The Mist’s Melancholia…
The Mist’s Melancholia…
What’s next for you?
Flying to the moon, working with Danièle Thompson and Severine Lathuilière for her next movie ‘Hope’…
Flying to the moon, working with Danièle Thompson and Severine Lathuilière for her next movie ‘Hope’…
Photos above : Hande is wearing the Classic Shirt Solid With Pocket and Army Jacket A – taken from Maison Kitsuné Spring Summer 2012 women collection and a clutch bag of Corto Moltedo for Kitsuné Parisien
All the pieces are available on our webstore or in our boutique Maison Kitsuné 52 rue Richelieu 75 001 Paris
Interesting finds today Sept. 25th, 2013
The Railway Man, starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman, is the true story of Eric Lomax, a young British officer captured by the Japanese in WW II and one of thousands of soldiers used as slave labor to build railroads for them. Lomax was subjected to years of physical and mental torture - from his capture in 1942 to the end of the war. His struggle to cope with the effects of his torture lasted his entire life.
He wrote a book about it, also titled The Railway Man, and about his struggle to forgive his torturers.
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Substitute Teacher: Key & Peele (+playlist)
I had to step off of the politics for awhile.
Key & Peele are hilarious.
Great sketch.
Just click it dude.
Why do you argue with me?
Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over
I stole this from another blogger-person.
I'm not even gonna tell ya' who.
Not gonna do it.
I stole it fair and square and now it's mine.
It's one of those surprisingly good, "Oh, all of the '80's music wasn't horrible" songs.
"Don't Dream It's Over"
There is freedom within
there is freedom without
Try to catch a deluge in a paper cup
There's a battle ahead
many battles are lost
But you'll never see the end of the road
While you're traveling with me
Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win
Now I'm towing my car
there's a hole in the roof
my possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof
in the paper today
tales of war and of waste
but you turn right over to the T.V. page
Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win
Now I'm walking again
to the beat of a drum
And I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart
Only shadows ahead
barely clearing the roof
Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief
Hey now, Hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, Hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
You know they won't win
Don't let them win
Hey now, Hey now
Hey now, Hey now
Hey now, Hey now
Don't let them win
They come, They come
Don't let them win
Hey now, Hey now (yeah)
Hey now, Hey now
The Crowded House Story:
This is a biography for Crowded House in the year Twenty Ten in which I will attempt to provide a bit of history, lay out the facts surrounding the making of our upcoming record and to signal our intention for new shows and extra curricular activity thereof…..right then.
This is Neil talking. The whole thing started with Split Enz. In 1972 I watched it unfold in real life as a glassy eyed teenage brother, became immersed in it and then at the age of 19, that was 1977, I got to be part of that mighty and mental NZ invention. We took it to every corner of the globe, stumbling from one opportunity to another. I wrote some songs along the way, I Got You, Message To My Girl, One Step Ahead, History Never Repeats, they helped to give the band a bigger audience but that early music will always stand tall for me, original and uncompromising, my inspiration…check out Mental Notes! Respect to brother Tim, Eddie , Noel , Phil and the others for blazing the trail. After all, they started it. I was invited in. It was intense and truly excellent.
Paul Hester (drums) and I (singer / guitar) went onwards from Split Enz to Crowded House, we wanted to be in a 3 piece band that could fit into one rental car . We found our bass player Nick Seymour , fresh from the catwalk, clearly loving the attention. We liked how he wore his bass low, had aspirations to funk and after a while we let him paint our suits with Masonic symbols. Despite all that and along the way we became a really good band. I think we tried to make ourselves even smaller by turning to acoustic, bass, snare drum, 3 part harmonising our way through lounge rooms and restaurants, busking, unplugged, whatever they ended up calling it on MTV. It made us very interested in our audience and we learnt how to draw them in, to sing together like it’s a party.That became our way of doing things, wishing for accidents, showing artifice and awkwardness the door.
Early Crowded House
Four albums later, praise be, we had a lot of songs that a lot of people liked to sing along to, like Don’t Dream Its Over, Fall At Your Feet, Better be home soon, Something So Strong , Weather with You, 4 Seasons In One Day….. We were grateful to all of them, and to the special people that helped us bring the songs forward, producers Mitchell Froom and Youth, mixer Bob Clearmountain. It was a blessing beyond belief but it also messed with our minds as only success can do.
I remember Nick wanted us to be the biggest band in the world and was convinced that it was right there and we should take it. He was probably right but I didn’t really like the attention that much and so I pulled away from it. I dyed my hair one too many times and worried about it all far too much. Paul built up a layer of contempt for the whole circus and after a while just couldn’t find the joy in it. He wanted to go home and watch telly, he even got a tattoo of TV’s on his arm, and then he left in the middle of a U.S tour, Atlanta it was, but we carried on undaunted until ……can’t exactly remember what made me break up the band. I was just over it. That was 1995.
For 10 years thereafter I had a great time lovingly making records at a more modest level, working with wonderful collaborators, did some good stuff with brother Tim. Best of all I tuned in to my family, watched my sons grow into fine young men.
Crowded House
When we lost Paul it was like someone pulled the rug out from underneath everything, a terrible jolt out of the dark blue. He was the best drummer I had ever played with and for many years , my closest friend . I thought our history was good, how could it have ended up in this place? Later that year I started making music with Nick again, and it felt right somehow that we put another chapter in the book, the motive was simply to exist again and put our belief into it, reconnect with the kindred spirit.
Enter Matt Sherrod on drums, knowing nothing of Crowded House and in no ones shadow, he gave Crowded House a new anchor, proving a good foot and a big smile goes a long way. Welcome back Mark Hart , the keeper of knowledge with his giggling fits and his daily devotion to the piano. Time On Earth was released in 2007 and the tour that followed turned us into a great band again, much more than nostalgia, it gave us the scent of something new.
And so the 4 of us Nick Seymour ( bass ), Mark Hart ( keys / guitar ), Matt Sherrod (drums) and myself Neil ( singer, player ) began our new record last year at Roundhead studios in Auckland with Mr Jim Scott as our producer ally. Some of these 11 songs were first played at a little gig north of Auckland The Leigh Sawmill back in Feb 2008. They have been worked over on the road and transformed a few times, some all the way back to square one, it’s a good place to return, from time to time.
That was the case with the song Twice If You’re Lucky, we played an alternative version, more complex and mysterious on tour then deconstructed back to original simple form in the last week of recording. I am inclined to circle the songs, looking for any bit of advantage I can find, a verse, a chord or a word to change .Its sometimes unsettling for the band but it’s my way and I’m sticking to it.
Crowded House
Theres always a possibility of transformation. It was a wonderful moment when the song Either Side Of The World took off on a Samba groove at last rehearsal. “Isolation” travelled a twisted pathway too ending up as a hybrid of 2 songs, its folky origins now obscured by some deep tremolo guitar and my wife Sharon’s ethereal singing. “Saturday Sun” was awash with guitars until mix day when I went to town with a korg microsynth, a gift from a friend that arrived that day.
There were other fine contributors too. Our friend Don McGlashan, helped us lay down tracks adding, percussion, acoustic and horns. Lisa Germano took to Archers Arrows and Even If with her extraordinary violin playing. Jon Brion added layers of sampled voices and mashed up guitar to Twice If You’re Lucky. My son Liam took to Falling Dove and the coda of Isolation with psychedelic guitar. James Milne aka Lawrence Arabia provided manly voices to the Intriguer.
Jim Scott mixed the record back in L.A and we caroused and held up the bar in his very well appointed studio/ den within sight of Magic Mountain. The late evening playbacks at maximum volume are my favorite part of the whole process and Jim mixes an excellent cocktail as well. ….It’s so important to have a good time making music.
And yes, the tour will follow, from the Byron Bay Blues and Roots Music festival to The Isle of Wight, May/ June theatres in The U.K and Europe, late summer in the U.S and maybe a few far flung cities, new destinations, we could turn up anywhere. The intention is the same as ever to get the people involved, to hit some heights and leave the songs hanging in the air…
This 11 track album is exotic in parts, traditional in origin, through many a twist and turn we fashioned some drama and intrigue. You will find some threads that go back through all that history and some new discoveries as well that will need to be followed up. Its part of the continuum and it may just be the best thing we’ve done ……till the next one.
See You Later …………YOU GENIUS ……………………………….This year
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Another great find compliments of
What a great finder of web things and stuff and such this Nessy is.
I have heart her very good.
Cool Hunting is just that - They hunt the web and post videos of stuff they think is really cool.
Like the Icon 4 x 4 website - they "re-make" classic 4 x 4 trucks like the old Bronco's and the old Toyota Landcruisers into real bad ass trucks.
They're not all pimped out.
They are remade tougher and smarter to make them better at the things they were designed to do - which is basically go anywhere and make it home safe.
You'll love it.

I am in "heart" with Leftover Cuties.
What a great, fun band.
Give it a listen.
You'll like it friends.
As with any true troubadours, love makes Leftover Cuties’ world go ‘round. On the band’s shining second album the Spark & the Fire love makes the heart sing, soar and ache…usually in the same song.
Leftover Cuties – Shirli McAllen (lead vocals, ukulele), Austin Nicholsen (bass, vocals), Mike Bolger (brass, keys, accordion, vocals ) and Stuart Johnson (drums, percussion, vocals) – have sparked a fire with music lovers with a timeless jazz-tinged sound, combining sultry vocals, pop-perfect songwriting, and seasoned musicianship. Their spellbinding first album “Places to Go” won raves from critics. Their impeccable and atmospheric live performances draw ever-growing and increasingly passionate crowds in the clubs and cabarets of their hometown Los Angeles. A string of impressive licensing placements has won them fans the world over. Among those big spots: the theme for the Showtime series “The Big C” and an ad for Samsung that aired over and over (and over and over…) during the 2012 Olympics, generating more than 3 million YouTube views!
It all signals the start of something big for the Cuties.
“The title of the album stands for that yearning to hold on to the beginning of things,” says McAllen. “The part where everything feels new and pure, where there’s excitement and promise of great things to come.”
the Spark & the Fire fulfills that promise, and builds on that momentum with more delectable, intelligent pop concoctions delivered with honest and emotionally candid lyrics. Their supple and handcrafted sound has risen to a new level of (seemingly) effortless interplay. Co- produced by multiple Grammy-winner Dave Way (Fiona Apple, Sheryl Crow, Macy Gray), the collection is highlighted by the foot-stomping anthem “One Heart” (wherein McAllen ponders ““Another strike, another ache / How much hurt can one take? How many times can one heart break?”) and the tender ballad “Clarity.”
“I think we all wonder about that when we get a good beating,” she says. “The last couple of years have been quite emotional for me. As a result, I had a lot more to say in this record from a personal point of view.”
Like many second albums, the creation of the Spark & the Fire was a difficult process, McAllen says. “I think we all came into it with big expectations, and we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Sometimes that can get in the way, but we managed to rise above and make something we’re really proud of.”
Now it’s time to get to know the band behind all of those songs you keep hearing in those ads on TV. This year, Leftover Cuties embark on a full-scale North American tour, taking their new songs to new cities and making new fans.
Onstage, on television and on laptops the world over, Leftover Cuties are heating up. From a spark to a fire….
– Jonathan Palmer, Beverly Hills, CA, July 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
I was back at Timone's Thursday night for pizza and chocolate milkshakes, aka diet food.
(Special note: not a healthy, normal diet.)
The pizza and shakes were delicious as usual and of course it made we want to smack Cliff Bostock again. Metaphorically of course, we at El Pinche Pirata del Fuego, etc. and so forth, do not condone the use of violence.
Unless the double pour is really bad.
Then it's justifiable.
Hey, look in other countries that's a hangin' crime.
Ran into several friends.
Neighbor Fred with little Max were there and enjoying the pizza and shakes too.
(Bostock: pfffftttt.)
I also ran into several of DumDum's friends and let them try my shake.
![]() |
Hello DumDum. |
I"m THAT good of a person.
Craig, Francis, and Steve seemed to agree that Bostock is a twink.
And they seemed to enjoy the shake as well.
Have I mentioned the burgers at Grindhouse?
I met the Georgia MotoRyders Thursday night for their weekly ride and had a nice time talking to the guys.
Nice group and a pretty diverse selection of bikes too.
Lots of older Triumphs, a MotoGuzzi, a couple of Harley's, a couple Beemers too.
But the burgers were great.
The Hill Billy burger with pimento cheese and jalapeno was outstanding.
(I know. You don't have to say it.)
This weekend was Music Midtown in Piedmont Park.
Journey headlined on Friday night.
Yes, Journey.
I had a drink at The Family Dog.
It rained all day Saturday.
It was one soggy, sorry crew out there at Piedmont.
I was safe and dry.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Gillian Welch BBC4 St. Luke's Full Concert August 4, 2004 London
Ms. X sent me a linkittydo to this Gillian Welch concert from St.Luke's in sunny downtown London circa 2004.
Make it go clickety-do-dah-allthelivelongday-o and enjoy!
Thank you, Ms. X!!!
You are best,
(and Mikey too!)
High Ballin' 1978 DVD Peter Fonda Jerry Reed
It's difficult for the yung-un's of today, in their uber-hipster ironic coolness, to fully understand the very specialness of this time and place in American cinematographic history where "the trucker" was all the rage in terms of the quintessential blue-collar anti-hero.
Hollywood, yes THOSE people, decided somewhere around 1975 or so, that the fella behind the wheel of that big 18 wheeler that just blew past you, no doubt kicking up a hailstorm of asphalt missiles and thereby increasing your insurance rates, was the very embodiment of all that was right and good with America.
A rolling testament to the lives of Lewis & Clark, Daniel Boone, and Aldous Huxley and proceeded to color our collective consciousness with the likes of Smokey and The Bandit, High Ballin', and God Help those poor bastards when it comes time to meet their eternal reward, BJ & The Bear - I kid you not, an honest to God television series about a handsome young trucker who travels the hi-ways and bi-ways of this great land, solving mysterious, setting wrongs to right, meeting pretty young ladies, all with his pet monkey.
You are not hallucinating: a trucker who solves crimes.
I am certain that Dante never gave pause to consider the long term ramifications of the type of man who would knowingly put into the hearts and minds of an entire generation, a television show about a trucker and his pet chimp.
Hollywood, yes THOSE people, decided somewhere around 1975 or so, that the fella behind the wheel of that big 18 wheeler that just blew past you, no doubt kicking up a hailstorm of asphalt missiles and thereby increasing your insurance rates, was the very embodiment of all that was right and good with America.
A rolling testament to the lives of Lewis & Clark, Daniel Boone, and Aldous Huxley and proceeded to color our collective consciousness with the likes of Smokey and The Bandit, High Ballin', and God Help those poor bastards when it comes time to meet their eternal reward, BJ & The Bear - I kid you not, an honest to God television series about a handsome young trucker who travels the hi-ways and bi-ways of this great land, solving mysterious, setting wrongs to right, meeting pretty young ladies, all with his pet monkey.
You are not hallucinating: a trucker who solves crimes.
I am certain that Dante never gave pause to consider the long term ramifications of the type of man who would knowingly put into the hearts and minds of an entire generation, a television show about a trucker and his pet chimp.
Easy Rider: The Ride Back ~ TRAILER
Dear Hollywood,
This is why no one likes you.
Easy Rider II !?!
Just no.
Stop trying to squeeze every last damn dime from our collective memories and stop using our "heartstrings" to pull open our wallets.
It's the most cynical type of B.S. ever.
Let's not pretend like we can go on being friends.
Remember that time you had too much tequila and woke up next to someone that you found kinda creepy and disgusting in the daylight?
You're the creep in that story.
I don't want to pretend that it didn't happen.
That would be dishonest.
But I also don't want to put it on a t-shirt and parade thru town like it's some kind of badge of honor.
If there were some special type of soap that would rinse off the stink of your collective grossness, I would be lathering up right now.
Until then,
Let's not and say we did,
Your friend and mine,
El Pinche Pirata del Fuego
This is a very interesting study on terrorist acts in the U.S. since 9/11.
The authors of the study removed Islamic terrorist acts in order to take a closer look at "homegrown" terrorism and it's causes.
But the political motivations behind their acts were diverse in ways that the participants themselves were not. 37% percent of cases involved anti-government extremism; 23% were motivated by environmental or pro-animal rights extremism; 17% involved white supremacist ideas or bias against particular ethnic groups; and 11% of cases were animated by religious bias or were acts committed on the basis of religious beliefs, including attacks against abortion doctors and providers.
Entire document below:
Right- and Left-Wing Terrorism Since 9/11 research indicates that al Qaeda and those motivated by its ideology are not the only sources of terrorism that the country faces and that terrorists across the ideological spectrum from those motivated by Osama bin Laden's ideology to neo-Nazis have managed to kill only 46 people in the United States since the attacks on Washington and New York a decade ago.
While each of those deaths is, or course, a tragedy, it is orders of magnitude smaller than the 15,000 Americans who are murdered every year.
Our study also found that Islamist terrorism has been less deadly in the United States than other forms of domestic terrorism since September 11.
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, one of the fears of ordinary citizens and terrorism experts alike was that a new wave of terrorists would strike, some of them armed with chemical, biological, radiological or even nuclear materials.
Eleven years later, we have yet to see an Islamist terrorist incident involving such weapons in the United States, and no Islamist militant in this country has made a documented attempt to even acquire such devices.
Yet this is not the case for other terrorists. Indeed, the record of the past decade suggests that if a chemical, biological or radiological attack were to take place in the United States, it is more likely that it would come not from a Islamist terrorist but from a right-wing extremist or anarchist.
In partnership with Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Public Policy, the New America Foundation has conducted a survey of terrorism incidents and cases in the United States since September 11 motivated by political ideologies other than the violent Islamism advocated by bin Laden.
Those ideologies span the spectrum from neo-Nazism and militant Christian fundamentalism to anarchism and violent environmentalism. In the 114 cases we examined, we found five instances of the successful or attempted development or purchase of biological, chemical or radiological weapons by violent extremists motivated by ideologies that have no relation to al Qaeda:
William Krar, a right-wing militia activist, together with his common-law wife, Judith Bruey, had stored enough chemicals to produce a quantity of hydrogen cyanide gas that could kill thousands, along with more than 100 weapons, nearly 100,000 rounds of ammunition and more than 100 pounds of explosives. They were arrested in 2003. Krar was eventually sentenced to more than 11 years in prison, while Bruey received nearly five years.
Anarchist and self-proclaimed "Dr. Chaos" Joseph Konopka was stockpiling dangerous chemicals, including sodium cyanide, when he was arrested by Chicago police in 2002. He is currently serving a 13-year sentence.
Microbiologist Bruce Ivins, an FBI investigation concluded, sent waves of panic throughout the country and killed five people when he sent letters filled with anthrax to politicians and journalists during fall 2001. Ivins committed suicide in 2008. (Some reports have cast doubt on Ivins' responsibility for the attacks, but the FBI remains firm in its conclusion that Ivins was responsible, based on the scientific and other evidence.)
White supremacist Demetrius van Crocker was arrested in 2004 after trying to purchase sarin nerve gas and C-4 explosive from an undercover government agent. His efforts to obtain the weapons earned him a 30-year prison sentence.
Another white supremacist, James Cummings, managed to acquire a supply of radiological materials from scientific research companies and may have been planning to build a "dirty" radiological bomb when his wife killed him after years of domestic abuse in 2008.
To be clear, the 174 cases of right-wing and left-wing terrorism we examined probably do not represent a complete survey of non-Islamist terrorist cases in the United States since September 11. While some of this case information is available from the FBI, as well as organizations that track right-wing radicalism such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, keeping track of these incidents is far more difficult than tracking incidents of Islamist terrorism.
That is because unlike Islamist terror cases, which are nearly all tried under anti-terrorism laws or statutes dealing with "material support" to terrorist groups, other domestic terrorism cases are often tried under an array of other statutes, from weapons and explosives violations, property destruction and arson to "seditious conspiracy" in the case of the anti-government Hutaree militia in Michigan.
Research on the subject is also hampered by the fact that many of these cases received only limited media attention, unlike the now 188 cases of Islamist terrorism that the New America Foundation and Syracuse's Maxwell School have found in the United States since September 11.
We sought to impose as clear a standard as we could for politically motivated violence across a broad spectrum of cases, ranging from environmental terrorism to white supremacist terrorism. We were careful to exclude cases in which insanity or mental deficiency may have had a significant impact, such as that of Jared Lee Loughner, who is accused of killing six people and seriously wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona in January.
We also excluded cases of violence that appear not to have been premeditated, such as when Jerry Kane and his son Joseph, both steeped in anti-government ideology and armed with an assault rifle, killed two Arkansas police during a traffic stop in 2010 before they were shot dead themselves in an ensuing car chase.
On the other hand, we did include cases in which there was no defined plot but the individual involved had both extreme political views and had bought or constructed high-explosives and other offensive weapons. Officials said that was the case with Jeffrey Harbin, a neo-Nazi and border vigilante who was arrested this year in Arizona with a dozen powerful homemade grenades.
As in Islamist terrorism cases in the United States, right- and left-wing terrorists were not all young hotheads but instead had an average age of 36. But unlike the Islamist terrorism cases, which involved only 4% females, in other cases of domestic terrorism women were involved in 15 percent of the cases.
The right- and left-wing terrorists in our dataset are almost entirely native-born American citizens, and nearly all appear to be Caucasian.
But the political motivations behind their acts were diverse in ways that the participants themselves were not. Thirty-seven percent of cases involved anti-government extremism; 23% were motivated by environmental or pro-animal rights extremism; 17% involved white supremacist ideas or bias against particular ethnic groups; and 11% of cases were animated by religious bias or were acts committed on the basis of religious beliefs, including attacks against abortion doctors and providers.
At least twenty-nine people have been killed in right- and left-wing terrorism-related incidents over the past decade, while acts inspired by Islamist militant ideas killed 17 people (13 of them at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009). The number of non-Islamist incidents that caused fatalities (eight) was also twice that of the Islamist cases (four).
And while in the Islamist terrorism cases firearms and explosives figured into around a third of the cases, more than half the cases of non-Islamist terrorism involved firearms or explosives.
Right- and left-wing terrorist incidents involved a broad array of targets; a third focused on government buildings or institutions; and 9% targeted police. Five percent of cases involved acts committed against abortion doctors or women's health clinics, and 11% targeted religious institutions: churches, mosques and synagogues. Another 16% of plots and attacks, many of them carried out by environmental extremists, targeted businesses or corporations.
There was also a slightly greater number of government informants and undercover agents in the right- and left-wing terrorism cases, relative to the Islamist terrorism cases. More than half of the right- and left-wing terrorism cases involved an informant or cooperating witness, and nearly 40% of those cases also involved an undercover government agent.
By contrast, in our survey of Islamist terrorism cases, a third involved an informant, while 11% involved a government agent (six cases involved both a government agent and an informant).
And in 18% of right- and left-wing terrorism cases -- compared with 22% in Islamist terrorism cases -- authorities were tipped off or assisted by family members or people within the same social or religious communities as the arrested individual.
The data indicate that federal and local authorities are just as aggressive in their use of informants and undercover agents with right- and left-wing terrorists as they are with Muslims extremists. And Muslims and non-Muslims alike are just as likely to cooperate with authorities when they see extremist acts going on, contrary to well-publicized claims from the head of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King, that Muslim community involvement in disrupting terrorism plots is uncommonly low.
This report is the work of Peter Bergen, Andrew Lebovich, Galen Petruso, Jennifer Rowland, Kelsy Greenwald at the New America Foundation, and Professor William Banks, Nick Barone, Gary Clark, Colin O’Hara, Katherine Sepka, Aaron Sanders from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University.
We also want to acknowledge the work of others in this field: Karen Greenberg at New York University’s Center on Law & Security, Brian Jenkins at RAND, David Shanzer at Duke University, Charles Kurzman at the University of North Carolina, and Alejandro Beutel of the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
This report is a living document that will be consistently updated as both new information and new cases come in.
Non-Jihadist Cases, 2001-2011
In partnership with Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Public Policy, the New America Foundation has conducted a survey of terrorism incidents and cases in the United States since 9/11 that were motivated by political ideologies other than the violent jihadism advocated by Osama bin Laden. Those ideologies span the spectrum from neo-Nazism and militant Christian fundamentalism to anarchism and violent environmentalism.
Below are all the catalogued non-jihadist cases. You may sort the table by any of the columns, or click on an individual's name for full details. Click here for the full nation-wide listing, or here for the jihadist-only data set.
Below are all the catalogued non-jihadist cases. You may sort the table by any of the columns, or click on an individual's name for full details. Click here for the full nation-wide listing, or here for the jihadist-only data set.
Last Name | Motivation | Weapon Type | Deaths Caused | Gender | Year Indicted | Age When Indicted |
Last Name | Motivation | Weapon Type | Deaths Caused | Gender | Year Indicted | Age When Indicted |
Adams, Ray | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 55 |
Adkisson, Jim David | Religious/Societal | Firearms | 2 | Male | 2008 | 58 |
Ambrose, Frank | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2003 | 34 |
Anderson, Michael | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 33 |
Baker, Eric Ian | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2008 | 32 |
Barefoot, Jr., Charles Robert | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2002 | 39 |
Barney, Coleman | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 36 |
Bedell*, John Patrick | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2010 | 36 |
Bobo, Michael Wayne | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 30 |
Braden*, Ivan Duane | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2004 | 20 |
Brittingham, Kody Ray | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | N/A or unknown | 0 | Male | 2008 | 20 |
Brockway, Tracy | Anti-Government | N/A or unknown | 0 | Female | 2004 | 32 |
Bruey, Judith | Anti-Government | Chemical | 0 | Female | 2003 | 54 |
Burgert, David | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2004 | 38 |
Burrows, Harrison | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 18 |
Carafa, Gabriel | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2005 | 19 |
Chezem, Larry | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2004 | 54 |
Colcleasure, Jeremiah | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 24 |
Cole, Randall Garrett | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 22 |
Cottrell, William Jensen | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2003 | 23 |
Cowart, Daniel G. | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2008 | 20 |
Cox, Francis Schaeffer | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 26 |
Crump, Samuel | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 68 |
Cummings, James | Anti-Government | Radiological | 0 | Male | 2008 | 29 |
Cunningham, Adam Lynn | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 41 |
Day, James | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2004 | 60 |
Demmitt, Joshua | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 18 |
Dibee, Joseph | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2001 | 38 |
Dillard, Raymond Kirk | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 46 |
Evans, Paul Ross | Religious/Societal | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 27 |
Fairfield, Matthew | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2010 | 30 |
Feltus, Edward S | N/A | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2003 | 56 |
Gerlach, Chelsea Dawn | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2001 | 28 |
Gillespie, Sean Michael | Religious/Societal | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 20 |
Gleason, Thomas | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2008 | 20 |
Golden, Michael Corey | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2008 | 22 |
Hall, Marvin | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2008 | 49 |
Harbin, Jeffrey | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2011 | 28 |
Harpham, Kevin William | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2011 | 36 |
Haskell, Benjamin | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2008 | 21 |
Hayes, Justin Tyme | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Melee | 0 | Male | 2008 | 21 |
Helder, Luke | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2002 | 21 |
Holland, Lili Marie | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2004 | 20 |
Holland, Eva Rose | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2004 | 25 |
Huet*, Melissa | N/A | N/A or unknown | 0 | Female | 2008 | 35 |
Huff, Darren Wesley | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2010 | 41 |
Hughes, Bonnell | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 57 |
Hull, David Wayne | Religious/Societal | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2003 | 40 |
Ivins, Bruce Edwards | Anti-Government | Biological | 5 | Male | 2001 | 55 |
Jacques, Michael | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2008 | 23 |
Johnson, Tyler James | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2003 | 24 |
Jones, Morgan | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2008 | 64 |
Jordi, Stephen John | Religious/Societal | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2009 | 35 |
Kennedy, Timothy Ryan | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 0 |
Kolar, Jennifer Lynn | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2001 | 33 |
Konopka, Joseph | Anarchist | Chemical | 0 | Male | 2002 | 25 |
Krar, William Joseph | Anti-Government | Chemical | 0 | Male | 2003 | 62 |
Krause, Mark | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2010 | 40 |
Krugel, Earl Leslie | Religious/Societal | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2001 | 59 |
Landis, Perry | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2008 | 61 |
Lay, Christopher | Anti-Government | Firearms | 1 | Male | 2004 | 20 |
Lay, Wade | Anti-Government | Firearms | 1 | Male | 2004 | 44 |
Lee, James J. | Animal Rights/Environmental | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2010 | 43 |
Lewis, Ryan Daniel | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 21 |
Luke*, Keith | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Firearms | 2 | Male | 2009 | 22 |
Mahon, Daniel | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2003 | 61 |
Mahon, Dennis | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2003 | 53 |
McCann, Crystal Lee | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Melee | 0 | Female | 2008 | 22 |
McElroy, James Ray | N/A | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2007 | 20 |
McGowan, Daniel Gerard | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2001 | 31 |
McIntosh, Christopher Wells | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2003 | 20 |
Meyerhoff, Stanislas Gregory | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2001 | 28 |
Moose, Justin Carl | Religious/Societal | N/A or unknown | 0 | Male | 2010 | 26 |
Morey, Steven | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2004 | 44 |
Mower, Donny Eugene | Religious/Societal | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2010 | 37 |
Nettles, Gale William | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2004 | 66 |
O'Brien, Derek Shane | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Melee | 0 | Male | 2008 | 22 |
Oe, Michie | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2003 | 0 |
Orler, Craig | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2005 | 23 |
Overaker, Josephine Sunshine | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2001 | 31 |
Paul, Jonathan Christopher Mark | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2001 | 39 |
Peake, Raymond Franklin | Anti-Government | Firearms | 1 | Male | 2010 | 64 |
Raugust, Larry Eugene | Anti-Government | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2002 | 54 |
Roberts, Dan | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 67 |
Roeder, Scott | Religious/Societal | Firearms | 1 | Male | 2009 | 51 |
Rubin, Irving David | Religious/Societal | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2001 | 56 |
Rubin, Rebecca | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2001 | 32 |
Salmon, Christopher Kyle | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2004 | 0 |
Schertz, Daniel | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2005 | 27 |
Schlesselman, Paul M. | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2008 | 18 |
Slater, John | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2004 | 53 |
Smith, Sandlin Matthew | Religious/Societal | Explosives | 0 | Male | 2010 | 45 |
Smith, Michael Edward | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2002 | 0 |
Somerville, Norman David | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2003 | 44 |
Stack III, Andrew Joseph | Anti-Government | Vehicle | 1 | Male | 2010 | 54 |
Stone, David Brian | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Female | 2010 | 45 |
Stone, Joshua Matthew | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Female | 2010 | 21 |
Stone, Jonathan Edward | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2008 | 19 |
Stone, Jr., David Brian | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2010 | 19 |
Tankersley, Kendall | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2001 | 28 |
Thibault, Darrin Peter | Ethnic/Racial Supremacy | Melee | 0 | Male | 2008 | 24 |
Thomas, Frederick | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 73 |
Tubbs, Kevin | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Male | 2001 | 37 |
Van Crocker, Demetrius | Anti-Government | Chemical | 0 | Male | 2004 | 40 |
Vernon, Lonnie | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2011 | 55 |
Vernon, Karen | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Female | 2011 | 64 |
Von Brunn, James Wenneker | Religious/Societal | Firearms | 1 | Male | 2009 | 89 |
Whitaker*, Brody James | Anti-Government | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2010 | 37 |
Williams, Byron | Religious/Societal | Firearms | 0 | Male | 2010 | 45 |
Zacher, Joyanna L. | Animal Rights/Environmental | Incendiary | 0 | Female | 2001 | 28 |
Note: An age of 0 indicates that an individual's age at the time of indictment could not be confirmed.
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