Sunday, October 30, 2016

Nat'l Geo Channel and "The Human Spirit"

The latest post in which I've just returned from "on location" in Vanleer, TN.

What a long damn day !

Up at 3:00 AM.  Left Atlanta a little after 5:00 AM.  Arrived on set around 10:15 - about an hour and half outside of Nashville - way, way, way out in the middle of nowhere on a huge old farm.
My buddy Chad Joyce was there too.  We've now worked together at least a half dozen times - on Baby Driver, Spiderman: Homecoming, Homicide Hunter, Too Close To Home, and The Originals.

                   I have no idea why a viking would be wearing a leather duster.  
Plus the plastic armor makes me look a bit chubby.

                                   Chad Joyce as Viking King                                         

We checked in at 11:00 and filmed a couple of scenes out in a big field as well as a big fight scene.
And then we more or less stood around for the next 8 hours until about 10:30 PM when we had a big fight scene at night near a big bonfire.  The film looked pretty impressive from what I could occasionally catch on one of the monitors.  Fire, smoke, fog machine, snow machine, and all of us dressed up like vikings and barbarians fighting to the death.
I killed a guy with a sword.  A few times.

We wrapped around 2 am and I drove until I couldn't focus on the road anymore and pulled into a Kroger parking lot to sleep until the sun came up again.  Drove another hour or two that morning until I found a rest stop and had a proper nap and drove the rest of the way home.  

It was not entirely what I had been told in terms of "very featured extra" but it was ok.
Chad was chosen as the viking leader and had his grill in the camera all day long.  He looked great and I'm sure you'll see a ton of him when the show is released.  Me - not so much.  Maybe in a few shots but not as much as I had thought or hoped.

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