I know what you're thinking: Ahh....the sweet life of a beloved actor and movie star. On the cover of all of the biggest and best magazines, being interviewed by The Oprahs, hopping from one Hollywood soiree to another, one blockbuster film to another, constantly pampered, powdered, paid.... Wouldn't that be the life ?! Nothing but caviar and champagne. Limousines and parties. Movie stars and money. Don't that beat all ?!
But it's not so. I'll tell ya' - it ain't so at all.
Because sometimes there's a guy.
A dude really.
And this dude - he's really tired.
And hungry.
And half blind.
Literally - 50% blind.
And this dude just wants to get thru the dinner line before the rest of the extras start crowding around and breathing all over that nice Craft service dinner buffet that the semi-legal Mexican catering employees just spread out.
And this dude - he's not interested in salads.
No sir.
Not at all.
And so he decides right then and there, "I gotta skip these ladies dressed like ER nurses who're plucking about the sliced olives and the kale and the cucumbers and such and I gotta get there - right over there - with the entrees. The meats. Things once living but now dead and delicious."
And so the dude does that.
He jumps right around those rabbity fake nurses and he heads straight for the grilled Tuscan chicken.
He's got them damn delicious grilled chicken breasts in his beady little line of sight - in the GOOD eye - and he's headed right for them when -
Out of nowhere, there's Jennifer Anniston right in his way, and headed right for those very same grilled Tuscan chicken breasts
All 5 foot 3 inches of her blocking his next move - only he's got momentum on the count of the way he was skipping 'round those damn movie nurses and Anniston was just lurking in their shadows the whole time!
And just as he steps out to pass, she moves to block - and very nearly gets an elbow to the face -
Don't run into the star of the whole dang movie, you ijit!
That'll get you kicked off set for sure.
And just barely -
Just narrowly a catastrophe has been avoided.
It was a close call.
But I did kinda catch her eye as she was going 'round the other way with her tray of food - and I'm fairly certain that I made a good impression after all.
Anyhoo....such is the life in the movie biz these days.
I spent 12 hours on set and didn't do much beyond eat a decent meal and plow thru the snack bar. There's not much to do sometimes, other than wait to be called - if that ever comes.
Sometimes it doesn't.
Here's a link to The Daily Mail - they had some pretty good snaps of Anniston a couple days ago.
(I really thought she'd be taller in person.)
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