Yeah - I know. Poems. On a blog.
What a douche.
I get it.
I even agree.
But to be honest - I don't even remember writing this one.
Apparently I put it down in January and just walked away.
But I read it - sorta for the first time again - this morning and rather liked it.
So, here it is in all it's untitled glory:
January 11, 2016
Let’s not talk about it
We can philosophize later on
Let’s not say a word
I can’t feel poetic
I just want to disappear inside of you now
Winter and cancer and death can all fuck off right now
We’ve been falling for so long
I don’t remember ever walking upright
This is just the latest calamity
to have befallen us
All that exists deserves to perish
But not today honey, not today
Now I’m just a long, clean line of sorrow
cleaving you in two
We fall together and burn like one
Let them come to sweep us away in the morning
On a much lighter note:
Contemplating Those Ancient Japanese Masters of Haiku While Remembering a Dream About Taking Communion with My Mother as I Gaze out on a Crisp Fall Day in Atlanta and Eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly Lunchable Under a Dogwood Tree:
I feel there must be some trickery
under those ceremonial kimonos.
After giving you the time, location, weather, and sometimes the meal of the day
all in the title,
even I could guess their emotional state
with just 17 syllables.
And since Sunday is Mother's Day - here's a repost of a poem I wrote for "The Source of the Trouble" back when I was sick with te' cancer thing:
St. Jude at Mass
She will go down on her bad knee
And stay there too long
To whisper into her hands, a prayer
Longer than usual for me.
Tomorrow, she will mutter under her breath
Curses for the same knee
As she limps thru the house,
Or makes dinner on the old stove.
For my part, the wings of angels
Are slowly unfolding inside my head.
Which is how the whole thing started.
Are slowly unfolding inside my head.
Which is how the whole thing started.